Gosh, I really didn't know where to start, this movie left me speechless. Follows Damir, who's struggling with depression and trying to take his own life while his brother and mother want to save him, and everything happens over a period of just 24 hours. This is one of the few movies that connect to me, in the most depressing way. You don't need the whole backstory, you don't need reasons, this movie chains me astounded.
Heartbreaking, upsetting, and utterly poignant, Sigurno Mjesto is a slow-burn movie that deeply moving and a masterpiece of sorrow. I have to pause and take a deep breath for once, then continue to watch. It's raw, honest, and beautifully depicts the trauma and depression, surrounding the family. It's an invisible war within yourself.
It was a masterpiece, such a beautiful film with emotional storytelling and gorgeous cinematography that strongly showed the atrocious feelings of depression and fear of losing. Highly recommended.