An intriguing, challenging, at times brilliant, sometimes veering off track exploration of mental health, mother/daughter relationships, finding direction and so much more. I won't pretend to have completely made my mind up about this film, or claim to have fully delved into trying to understand every aspect. It is one of those films that is due discussion, and raises questions and self reflection.
I totally understand this is definitely not a film for the majority/masses who like big blockbusters. But I think if you appreciate indie films, and those that look at personal experiences and the impact these have upon one's reactions and perception, relationships and sense of self ,then youll find there is a lot to appreciate.
Jennifer connelly is outstanding, of course. But so too are Ben Whishaw, and in particular, the actress who plays her daughter. There is much to admire and credit this film for. There are scenes that I think are incredible and it is (sorry to use this term but it is the best descriptor) brave. The characters are flawed and we constantly observe them unflinchingly. It can be uncomfortable and frustrating.
With all the above said, the 'star rating' feels inadequate, but I just feel it was a very cold watch, which at times lost its flow and almost tried too hard, too it's detriment. Saying that, it's packed with talent and despite a lot of darkness/the cold I felt, it is streaked with black humour and I'd definitely call it a 'dark comedy'.