I have always loved and appreciated William Shatner, and looked forward to this documentary. But both my daughter and I were pleasantly surprised at the format - not quite the regular old documentary one would expect, but better!
Rather, it's an intimate interview with the legend, who is more concerned with the health of our planet, and the legacy we are leaving to our descendants than to a fleeting fame for his roles - none of which beyond Star Trek my daughter knew anything about.
While he is immensely grateful for his career, his outlook on life is quite humbling and deeply introspective, which I feel most celebrities could benefit from. While human and obviously appreciative of his fan-base, he has managed to keep his ego in check and his humor is spot-on!
I thought I knew everything about the man, and yet I learned two things that were a total surprise.
I won't give them away, you'll have to see the film for yourself. But I will say this - at 93, he has it figured out - and I won't give that away either! I am thrilled to have shared this planet with him!
Thanks Bill - and for reference, my 35 year old daughter is a minimal Star Trek Fan, (TOS only), and even less of a Star Wars fan; sci-fi is not her thing. So while she knew very little about you, and only came along to give me company, this film left a lasting impression on her which we are still discussing today! It truly uplifted her!
In closing, if William Shatner humbly suggests that he has not changed the world, I would strongly disagree - as he calls himself simply an entertainer - I can argue that great entertainers are as crucial to our world as are the great scientists and all the rest.