Darcy (US) : If there's a job to do. I'm gonna do it! Spin those wheels. And get right to it! Put my nose to the stone. And push right through it! It's my job to do. I'm gonna do it! Sing it!
Percy (US) : Hot or cold! Snow or rain! I bring the mail. Just the same!
Carly (US) , Sandy (US) , Darcy (US) : Go to it!
Sandy (US) : Fix that wheel! Mend that line!
Carly (US) : Gotta get it done. And done on time!
Thomas (US) , Percy (US) , Kana (US) , Nia (US) , Diesel (US) , Carly (US) , Sandy (US) , Bruno (US) , Darcy (US) : Wanna do it! Fast or slow, we'll get it done! At working hard, we're number one! Go to it! Wanna do it! Nothing to it! Let's do it!
Darcy (US) : When you love your job. And you give your all. That job gives back to you! There's a feeling you get when the sun has set. That your job might love you too!
Thomas (US) , Percy (US) , Kana (US) , Nia (US) , Diesel (US) , Carly (US) , Sandy (US) , Bruno (US) , Darcy (US) : If there's a job to do we're gonna do it! Spin those wheels and get right to it! Don't just push it off! Push right through it! It's your job to do. Just do it! Go to it! Wanna do it! Nothing to it! Let's do it!