The AmKingdom Company certainly went all-out when they produced Revenge of the Petites. Normally what could be expected of productions from adult entertainment companies is hardcore action and virtually no storyline but such is not the case for this rather entertaining comedy that involves a group of rather petite and young college ladies on a quest to get even with all the other sorority ladies who have put them down for so long.
Revenge of the Petites is college humor, laden with lots of skin and lots of party and prank madness. Entertaining and surprisingly good for the most part, although at some points the acting did seem a bit dry, but this is one of the first, if not perhaps the first, full-length feature film from AmKingdom so give them a break and give this movie a fair look.
Amazingly good camera-work, what with the cool dolly shots, helped to give this film a real professional polish, though it did appear that many of the scenes seemed washed out or overlit, But then again this from a company that is stepping up from the Adult Entertainment arena to present something that is truly screenworthy.
Definitely not for kids or anyone under 18, though, as occasional scenes get mighty blatant with sexual content, though the rest of the film is fun Comedy entertainment of the calibre of many of Hollywood's best movie makers. AmKingdom is in the lead now in quality, feature-length motion picture entertainment. It'll be interesting to see if and how the other, major Adult Entertainment companies follow suit.