Alice, the Final Weapon is a South Korean television-series written and directed by Lee Byeong-hun. High-schooler Seo Yeo-reum (Park Geon-hee) is suffering from childhood trauma and deduced himself to a human punching bag to cope with his feelings of depression and numbness. Battered and bruised without a purpose to live, he comes across the presence of transfer student Han Gyeo-wool (Park Se-wan) who harbors a mysterious past as a trained killer, codenamed "Alice." Having hidden her true identity to live a normal life in South Korea. She is hunted by assassins all over the globe. Including her former teacher, a psychopathic madman known as Spicy (Kim Tae-hoon). This not only leads to violent situations for the pair involving intense action sequences. It complicates the equation as the teenagers have fallen in love and plan to stick together through thick-and-thin. Will they be able to make it out alive whilst keeping their relationship in tact?
The premise may seem recognizable to various stories within the action-genre. But the plot is layered with an odd and out-of-the-ordinary atmosphere based off the dark humor and quirky personalities from the characters portrayed by Park Se-wan and Song Geon-hee. Keeping the viewer attentive during this eight episode season. Supplemented with upbeat tracks from composers Chung Chae-woong and Lee Seung-yeon that perfectly encapsulate the euphoria of finding your true love. The narrative explores how even damaged individuals have a chance at finding someone in the most unfortunate circumstances. And how life can become meaningful when you have a special person by your side.
IG: thecinephilereviews.