The acting, the writing, and even the storyline are all AMATEUR. This actually looks like some student's high school or film school class project rather than a professional film. It never should have been released to rental stores. As a learning project for some film student I give it a 2.5. I didn't give it a zero because I reserve that for epic films like: ----> "Birdemic: Shock and Terror". The storyline appears to have been written after a bad night hitting the bottle or something. If there was a real novel or story used to base this on it was hacked apart by the writer(s) in the worst way. The actors appear to have either been rejects from the regular studios or maybe first timers who someone convinced that acting does not require any training, experience or school. The filming looks like an advanced video system of which the quality was the only thing that approach average quality in the whole thing. One more thing, watch the SWAT team's sight discipline as they approach the house in a ragged line of errors. Watch the LASER aim points dancing around all over the other SWAT Team members backs, indicating they have just aimed their loaded rifles at the other officers. VERY Professional indeed! I expected to hear "Car 54, Car 54 where are you?" on their radios at any moment or maybe one of the officers calling out "Officer Tootie respond please." The only good point in the entire movie, to me anyway, was when the blond hero shaved his head and actually looked like a real kid underneath. I guess I was expecting a hydra of something to pop out. However by then I had lost all interest in the story, or lost track of it anyway. As I said before, this movie should never have been set out for rental, I intend to ask for a refund.