42 reviews
If you want to learn truths about Islamic history or you want to improve your knowledge about what is Islam, well this is an absolutely awesome piece of work.
It is very well documented with an objective perspective.
The events are displayed so well and lively.
It is explaining most of the important parts of Islam history.
And the producer also uploaded all episodes on Youtube for free with English subtitle. So you can watch it on Youtube as HD with super speed and quality.
I strongly suggest you to watch this piece of quality work TV series.
It is very well documented with an objective perspective.
The events are displayed so well and lively.
It is explaining most of the important parts of Islam history.
And the producer also uploaded all episodes on Youtube for free with English subtitle. So you can watch it on Youtube as HD with super speed and quality.
I strongly suggest you to watch this piece of quality work TV series.
Once i started the series i could not stop until i watched all the episodes. Excellent work done by director, producer and wonderful acting of the cast has made it unforgettable work. Some people would criticize about the personification of the companions(R.A) but in my view, whoever watches the whole series gets more in love with them. This series is highly recommended for non-Muslims who want to learn how Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) trained ordinary people in such a way that they conquered half of the world within a decade and maintained high degree of morals, characters, justice and ideal administration. The series enlightens their way of life in a realistic humanly manner rather than superstitious.
- raoiftikhar
- Feb 8, 2013
- Permalink
This is not only a series, but this is the story of Islam. You will find life of Omar (ra), most life of Mohammed (PBUH), Ali (ra), Ebu Bekr (ra) and some of Osman (ra) and many other friends of the Mohammed (PBUH). You will find the birth of the Islam the spread of it. If you are interested in Islam you really should really see this series. All the actors especially Samer Ismail and Ghassan Massoud have done their best. The war scenes are well done. Historical characters, places, clothes, are very realistic . Once I have started i could not stop myself watching it. Many series like this should be produced.There is huge treasure lying in the history of Islam. There is a lot of stories can be a movie or series.
This is probably the greatest epic made for TV ever, and would probably rival many movies of this genre too, and the acting and scope of the world is just mind blowing. The art direction, acting and incredible sets are as breathtaking as the massive scope of the series. It's a wonderful Series! It's the most expensive TV-Production of 200 Million SAR. It contains 30 episodes. Each episode is Epic. The Series also gives depiction of the birth of Islam. The plot focuses on the historical events. It's accurate in that it tries to present the birth of Islam as most people today probably learn it. Definitely it's not a propaganda piece. Its production and cinematography is much better than high budget HBO TV Series.
Inspiring series, see real life heroes in action, a lot to learn from as quoted "The production explicitly showcases the path of "Al Farrouq" and the characteristics of equality, good governance, justice, tolerance, wisdom, compassion and leadership among others. It further sheds light on the personal values of the Khalifa"
Awesome direction and superb acting by almost all of the actors, seems like you are back in the days...
One of the best Islamic productions ever made. The series starts with the life of Umar (RA) in the pre-Islamic Arabia, and then continues with his life at the time of the mission of the prophet (PBUH), his conversion to Islam, the caliphate of Abu Bakr (RA) and finally, the Caliphate of Umar (RA) himself. The series is as accurate as it was possible without showing the prophet (PBUH).
The series is very well made. One of the most positive points of the series is that it lays great emphasis on the teachings of Islam, and how they changed the society of the time from the days of ignorance and injustice to the justice of Islam. It shows the efforts and the sacrifices of the companions of the prophet in spreading the message of Islam.
The Series really touches the heart. It increases the love of the companions.
In the end, all that I would like to say is that, although the series may not be perfect in every sense, it is a source of a lot of good. It is a series not to missed.
Awesome direction and superb acting by almost all of the actors, seems like you are back in the days...
One of the best Islamic productions ever made. The series starts with the life of Umar (RA) in the pre-Islamic Arabia, and then continues with his life at the time of the mission of the prophet (PBUH), his conversion to Islam, the caliphate of Abu Bakr (RA) and finally, the Caliphate of Umar (RA) himself. The series is as accurate as it was possible without showing the prophet (PBUH).
The series is very well made. One of the most positive points of the series is that it lays great emphasis on the teachings of Islam, and how they changed the society of the time from the days of ignorance and injustice to the justice of Islam. It shows the efforts and the sacrifices of the companions of the prophet in spreading the message of Islam.
The Series really touches the heart. It increases the love of the companions.
In the end, all that I would like to say is that, although the series may not be perfect in every sense, it is a source of a lot of good. It is a series not to missed.
I hear many people saying that one shouldn't watch Holy people being picturized because it's disrespectful..
This is an era of technology and kids these days don't bother reading. So PICTURIZATION perhaps is the only way to tell them about Islamic history.
Moreover , the best part of this series is that any disputed and debatable chapter in Islamic history is not touched at all. This series doesn't call for any conflict... it's pure 100% authentic facts and must must must watch !!
- researcher_11
- Sep 14, 2018
- Permalink
I have seen many series, But I have never seen such a nice Series on Islamic History before this.. Really loved all the episode. All the episode are awesome. No words, I don't know Arabic, I watch it with English subtitle,even I really loved... It would be great if anyone can give such list of series names to me.. Jazak Allah Khar
- farooque_is_online
- May 21, 2017
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- lubna-mukdad
- May 25, 2019
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While watching sometimes i forget i am watching a film,because it was so fantastic and the actors really brought the characters to life.
A great emotional and inspirational series to watch. I was moved to tears many times. The character of Khalid ibn al-Walid(R.A) is so inspiring and is also portrayed very well. Islamic history and traditions are shown without spreading any propaganda. Such type of series should be made more often as Islamic history is very vast. This will remind people what they were before Islam and what they achieved after Islam prevailed by following the commands of Allah and Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H). This will allow us to think what we have become now, as we abandoned the commands of Allah and Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H). We can achieve all the glory shown in the series again and even more only if we follow right path and avoid following the evil one.
- shadowless-64125
- Apr 20, 2016
- Permalink
Good tv series , but it's not as good as american or english tv series.
- pmmoradi-83844
- Aug 16, 2021
- Permalink
Omar's behavior led to the creation of a class society. Something that did not exist at the time of the Messenger of God. Muslims were a single nation during the time of the Messenger of God. The Messenger of God did not distinguish between Arabs and non-Arabs. As he did not distinguish between black and white. As he did not distinguish between men and women. In the eyes of the Messenger of God, the best people were the most pious people. Omar gave more Bait-ul-Mal to the people who converted to Islam earlier. This was heresy. Muhammad never did that. Muhammad divided Bait-ul-Mal equally. Also, Omar gave more trophies to people who had more conquests; More war, more loot. During the time of Muhammad, war spoils were divided equally. The Prophet did not fight for domination. The Prophet won the hearts of the people.
I did not say this out of stubbornness. Although Omar himself lived a very simple life like the Messenger of God, but his actions created aristocracy after the Messenger of God. The aristocracy that diverted Muhammad's revolution from its path: (Muhammad is no more than a messenger: many Were the messenger that passed away before him. If he died or were slain, will ye then Turn back on your heels? If any did turn back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah; but Allah (on the other hand) will swiftly reward those who (serve Him) with gratitude.)[Q3:144]
I did not say this out of stubbornness. Although Omar himself lived a very simple life like the Messenger of God, but his actions created aristocracy after the Messenger of God. The aristocracy that diverted Muhammad's revolution from its path: (Muhammad is no more than a messenger: many Were the messenger that passed away before him. If he died or were slain, will ye then Turn back on your heels? If any did turn back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah; but Allah (on the other hand) will swiftly reward those who (serve Him) with gratitude.)[Q3:144]
I love listening the verse of Al-Qur'an in this movie, It makes my heart trembling in good way. And how muslim portrait in this movie.Graceful, humble, compassionate, helpful, really kind, courage, speaking the truth and really welcoming. The akhlaqul karimah. I recommend this movie for our generation. Arabic that they spoken really good and fluent. I'm enjoying this movie, Alhamdulillah
- alittlegirlwholikesflowers
- Jul 5, 2020
- Permalink
Absolutely delight to watch real history and sacrifices of people for Islam
May Allah reward them and Umer Ibn khitab R.A what an intellectual
- zohaibraja-14530
- May 4, 2020
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I always wanted to know about Umar (RA) I love him so much. and this series did absolute justice with him.
- niazahmed-08791
- Dec 21, 2019
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One of the best ever series watched, after watching The Message made with the help of Hollywood and AL Azhar University Cairo. The story showed clearly shows what we have learned from our Islamic History in our schools. Even learned more from this series. Though I am among those school of thought who totally DENIES showing or picturing our SAHABA as well. But still the time is changing and Muslim people wanted to see such ISLAMIC HISTORIC SERIES.
- kashifkhairakk
- Nov 18, 2021
- Permalink
Can't stop watching this masterpiece ... saw it 7 times and never get enough !!! WOW
accurate historical events showsthis era's good and bad from neutral point of view ... exceptional .
If you need to know how realy the Islamic civilization was born, this is the show !
If you need to know how realy the Islamic civilization was born, this is the show !
- enghossamhussein
- Dec 27, 2021
- Permalink
I think i saw it 5 times and i didn't get tired or boring 💙 this is the best arabic show ever i seen 🌹it is talking about the real islamic histroy.
Last word if you miss that so your do a big mistake
And thanks for reading
- omarabod-49096
- May 13, 2019
- Permalink
The best work embodies the biography of the Prophet Muhammad and after him Abu Bakr and Omar
You will learn about the beginnings of Islam and how much they suffer to deliver this great message to you
Good acting and Fantastic photography
Fluent Arabic language free of errors.
Exciting scenes and excellent drama.
A story that talks about the transformation of the Arabs from scattered tribes into a large empire that terrified the Romans and Persians,thanks to Muhammad peace be upon him.
Thank you for hatem ali and thank you docter waleed saif.
I advise everyone to watch All love.
The best work embodies the biography of the Prophet Muhammad and after him Abu Bakr and Omar
You will learn about the beginnings of Islam and how much they suffer to deliver this great message to you
Good acting and Fantastic photography
Fluent Arabic language free of errors.
Exciting scenes and excellent drama.
A story that talks about the transformation of the Arabs from scattered tribes into a large empire that terrified the Romans and Persians,thanks to Muhammad peace be upon him.
Thank you for hatem ali and thank you docter waleed saif.
I advise everyone to watch All love.
- wwwmouadmnjcom
- Oct 30, 2024
- Permalink
A great emotional and inspirational series to watch. I was moved to tears many times. The character of Khalid ibn al-Walid(R.A) is so inspiring and is also portrayed very well. Islamic history and traditions are shown without spreading any propaganda. Such type of series should be made more often as Islamic history is very vast. This will remind people what they were before Islam and what they achieved after Islam prevailed by following the commands of Allah and Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H). This will allow us to think what we have become now, as we abandoned the commands of Allah and Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H). We can achieve all the glory shown in the series again and even more only if we follow right path and avoid following the evil one.
- mdfaizifiemcse
- May 1, 2020
- Permalink
Really really really bad.
This movie is so woke, it will put you to sleep.
Bad movie.
This film is horrendous and every one of the 9 and 10 stars are clearly from individuals engaged with the creation/showcasing of the film, do they truly thing we are that idiotic they all equivalent kind of individuals doing likewise great audits we know it's them.
This movie is so woke, it will put you to sleep.
Bad movie.
This film is horrendous and every one of the 9 and 10 stars are clearly from individuals engaged with the creation/showcasing of the film, do they truly thing we are that idiotic they all equivalent kind of individuals doing likewise great audits we know it's them.
- ryoryo-08399
- Jan 7, 2022
- Permalink
The overall atmospher in this series really brings you into seventh century Arabia. In terms of writing, direction, acting, cinematography, score, and set, this show is absolutely mindblowing. The elequent Fusha Arabic that is spoken, the effort put into each shot, the stunning cinematography and moving music makes this series the best Islamic series in my opinion. Also, rarely do you find a movie or TV series that depends largely on reliable historical established facts, thus avoiding criticism in terms of content. This series says it as it is, gives each character its due, and does not dwel into controversial territory. Every Muslim in the world (much less person) will enjoy this series. I highly recommend watching this show and learning about Caliph Omar (RA) and the beautiful religion of the greatest man in history, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
- th0r_0dinson
- Mar 14, 2020
- Permalink
I love this series as it has been made with so much effort and good for your knowledge on the life of our beloved master Mohammed peace be upon him and all the other companions of the prophet.this not only based on one companions life but on most of the companions that were close to the prophet.it shows how much difficulty they went through then that today we have such a brilliant religion infront of us Alhamdulillah.im definitely gona watch this again!
- ultimatesinner
- Apr 12, 2020
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