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11 Reviews
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Evangelizing kept to a minimum
bkoganbing22 May 2016
With overt evangelizing kept to a minimum Abel's Field is not too bad of a family film produced under Christian auspices. Kevin Sorbo has the title role in the film playing a janitor and an unlikely role as mentor to young Samuel Davis. Davis is all of 17 years old and the unlikely guardian of his two 7 year old twin sisters.

Working 2 jobs and then three courtesy of the football team and their idiot coach Davis becomes an assistant to Sorbo as they fix up the sprinkler system for the center of the town, the high school football field. All over the bible belt high school sports, most of all football is the other religion these people follow.

I was actually pleasantly surprised that a film marketed for this area could portray high school sports so negatively.

Sorbo and Davis have some nice scenes together. Abel's Field is good family entertainment.
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Abel's Field
kindtxgal22 June 2016
Overall, a really good movie about a teenage high school boy left to care for two sisters on his own and the ensuing struggles. Kevin Sorbo as Abel, wanders into a small Texas town and starts working at the high school as a janitor where he and the boy meet & are made to work together, each carrying a secret and both unwilling to reach out for help. The performances are solid, there's not too much cheesy romantic goop, and the plot moves along nicely. The main drawback for me is the ending with too many questions about Abel (Kevin Sorbo) and a couple loose ends not tied up, such as the crime. I would have appreciated more character development/insight into Abel, Sorbo's character personally. There's a legal flaw as well... in that a high crime has allegedly been committed with premeditation apparently (or was it?) -- and if so, the legal penalty is askew. However, other than these minor points, it's a great family movie, entertaining, and one that feels the passion of the actors for this project.
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Surprisingly good movie with a Christian element but it's not in your face about it. I actually highly recommend this movie. A-
cosmo_tiger22 January 2013
"It's OK to ask for help, that's what we're here for." Seth (Davis) is a high school student with no parents, two jobs and two little sisters he is trying to raise. Between getting beat up by the football team and trying to keep the bank away from his home he is trying to find his dead beat dad. Convinced he can do it all on his own he refuses help from everyone, but sometimes it is needed. Going in to this movie I was expecting another cheesy, low-budget Christian movie. I was wrong. While it was a little cheesy I really enjoyed this and Seth is so likable that it is hard not to pull for him throughout. While there are some pretty heavy scenes in this this is a very good family movie that teaches a lot of good lessons for families to talk about. For a movie I just put in so I could get the review done I ended up really enjoying this and I surprisingly recommend this. Overall, much much better then expected. I surprisingly give it an A-.
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Breaking the rugged individualist
Wuchakk23 August 2013
What a great drama "Abel's Field" is! Released in 2012, the story revolves around 17 year-old Seth (Samuel Davis) whose mother is dead and his father is no where to be found. He's forced to be the parent to his twin 7 year-old sisters. His cold half-brother is following in his father's alcoholic footprints. Seth is bullied at school by the football team and their bossy coach (Richard Dillard), but finds solace with a popular girl at school, Katie (Nicole Elliott), and -- surprisingly -- with the school's loner maintenance man, Abel (Kevin Sorbo).

Like all great dramas, "Abel's Field" captivates your attention in the first act and you find yourself in the world of the characters. As the story progresses we discover why Seth is mistreated at school, but it's thankfully not spelled out (it has to do with jealousy, rivalry and sectarianism, the moronic "Your not one of us" mindset). You'll notice, incidentally, that the players only confront & attack as a group and never alone. It's a microcosm of the mob mentality, not to mention they're too cowardly to attack one-on-one.

Three relationships are the focus: Seth's fatherly relationship with his sisters and his developing relationships with Katie and the mysterious Abel. Speaking of Abel, Sorbo is excellent here in an atypical role. His likable joie de vivre is completely absent in favor of a quiet, brooding spirit.

The message of the film is A+ all the way and the overt references to God and faith are refreshing, but they're not so overt to turn-off those who don't believe, so don't let this factor deter you if you're amongst the latter. This is simply an inspiring film for everyone, except maybe atheists (or perhaps them most of all, lol).

Those looking for a faith-based film that shows a conventional family environment might want to steer clear (not that there's anything wrong with those types of films; check out the excellent "Cutback" for a quality film of that sort). "Abel's Field" shows the awful truth of broken & dysfunctional families in the modern Western world and the negative repercussions thereof. Thankfully, that doesn't mean that there isn't any hope; but the proud individualist must be broken, both for Seth and Abel.

I also like the fact that the film shows that the mentors we stumble across in life are there to mentor us in one way or another, but we shouldn't make the mistake of idolizing them, no matter how great (or small) the mentor is, he or she is still a flawed human being who just so happens to be further on in their spiritual journey, at least in the area we need help in.

Another thing I liked: Just because someone's in the "mentor" role doesn't mean the "mentee" can't mentor the mentor in one way or another. And a worthy (humble) mentor will receive from the mentee when applicable.

One reviewer referred to Nicole Elliott, who plays Seth's potential girlfriend, as "overweight." Wow, nothing could be further from the truth; in fact, this isn't even remotely true. Check her out in the film and see for yourself. It's idiotic statements like this that drive women and girls into anorexia and it totally ticks me off! If anything, Nicole could stand to gain some weight. Regardless, she's uniquely beautiful, a refreshing alternative to the stereotypical hot blond cheerleader type.

The film runs 104 minutes and was shot in Thrall, TX, which is about 20 miles NE of Austin.

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A "different" Christian film.
arwachter23 February 2013
When I asked my gang what they thought of this new film starring Kevin Sorbo and Samuel Davis, they unanimously said, "It was different from other Christian films." And they mean that's a good thing. Abel's Field was well written, well acted and entertaining to boot.

Among many good messages in this story, I was particularly touched by Seth's dedication to his younger sisters. My kids also pointed this out as one of the things that made Abel's Field stand out. So often, even in Christian media, brothers and sisters are portrayed as annoyances to each other. It was a nice change to see an example of what siblings should be to each other.

Allen liked that Abel, the Christian lead in the film, was not a perfect saint. He was portrayed in a very real way that all of us can relate to. Just like the average Christian, Abel was struggling to overcome his past and gain victory over the sin in his life while trying to live out God's will, share the Gospel and be a good example to those in his life. Typically in Christian films we start with someone who is obviously lost and living a life full of sin... alcoholism, adultery, drug addiction, theft, anger... the list goes on and on. As things get worse the rebel comes to the Lord and he cleans up his act at last. In stark contrast, Seth is a good kid, working hard to do good things. His life, even in the absence of parents, is full of great character traits. But he is still lost and in need of a Savior. That is a message our world needs to hear. Even "good" people need to know the Lord.
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Gets To The Heart Of What It's Like To Be Broken
nonni_nonni1 March 2014
It really shows how true to life difficulties Seth and his sisters experience. Abel's reasons for choosing the way he lives, really got to me in that one area of self imposed punishment.

It really portrays what it's like to be broken or live life so close to rock bottom. And the process of redemption. Of confession, repentance, forgiveness, cleansing and blessing.

I loved the characters of Abel, Seth, Katie and the twins. Well worth viewing.

I just wish they showed more of what happens to Abel, after the end scene. I hope there's a sequel. Or maybe a stand alone movie about Abel.
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Second Chance! that we all search for...First Class Drama Movie
jaybs3 February 2013
It is very rare that I will give a full ten out of ten for a movie but in "Abel's Field" this is so strongly deserved.

A most excellent strong drama something that many of us will identify with the problems that we meet in life and how we cope with them from the eyes of a young guy to an older guy so different but both facing similar situations and able to give support & strength to.

The Producers have adapted the script to well, used an amazing small town in Texas called Thrall all real sets and they all add to delivering a great movie.

But the two leading actors both deliver first class roles, from the older guy Abel played by Kevin Sorbo who many will recognise from his many party to the young guy Seth, Samuel Davis one of the best upcoming young actors that I predict a great future for. Kevin Sorbo may not have a lot to say but he works so well with Samuel Davis as Seth, Samuel really is spot on with his portrayal of Seth a young guy that many will really identify with and one that you will feel for in his position in life that has come his way.

As I started we all look for a second chance so often in life, for that redemption "Abel's Field" is so strong and delivers from start to finish!
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Exceptional 10 Stars
doug-589-25205723 January 2013
What a great movie. Very warming. The actors were exceptional. I just have one question. Who was the girl that played Katie. Nicole Elliott? WOW!!!!! what a talent i wonder why we have never seen her before? She is an amazing talent and beautiful as well. Samuel Davis was tremendous as Seth and Kevin Sorbo what can you say he is amazing.I give this picture a 10 star rating.It goes to show you how two completely opposite people can come together to help each other out in a time of need.i will definitely watch this movie again and highly recommend this to anyone else.Keep up the good work Nicole you are on your way to many more movie roles.
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Worth it.
wfretired8 March 2021
I know that Christian movies are looked down on by many.....but I don t care. This was a good movie offering hope.
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Real Movie with Real Scriptural Reference
scottmccausey16 January 2013
I like the real dialog. The awkward moments and the fact that there are families out there that face these situations is unique to see on the screen. There are situations where teens are faced with adult life---times they aren't prepared for. I hope people see this and realize the opportunities they have to love their neighbors and make a difference. Kevin Sorbo does a great job and Samuel Davis has the tools to take the next step in the movie industry. Great watch for families lending to the opportunity to talk about real life moments and how God is there for them. I'm not a huge advocate of the dating model, but this movie is done well. There are no inappropriate scenes to fast forward through and this was refreshing. I recommend the film and will highlight it on my radio show. God will bless through this program.
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Great Movie for Whole Family
dbunch-635-26741317 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
We hurriedly rented this movie as we left a store, without my usual research here on IMDb, and boy am I glad we did! We did not realize there would be a Christian message to this movie, and that was just icing on the cake! This movie kept us engaged throughout, without the preachiness of other movies, like "Flywheel" or "Facing the Giants" and the acting was superb! Loved the acting by "Abel" and "Seth". (We realized BOTH their characters' names were significant when we looked up Seth in the Bible.) My 10-yr.old girl & 14-yr. old boy both really enjoyed this, as did their parents! Great movie...we watched it two nights in a row!!
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