Männer zum Knutschen (2012), directed by Robert Hasfogel, is a German film shown in the U.S. as "Men to Kiss." Ernst (Frank Christian Marx) is a rather serious young banker, who is in a relationship with Tobi (Udo Lutz). Tobi is a will-of-the-wisp relaxed guy who lives to obtain pleasure for himself and others.
Ernie's childhood best friend, Uta (the beautiful Alexandra Starnitzky) arrives determined to destroy the relationship. (Also, if necessary, to destroy Tobi.) The plot of the movie is the interaction among the three of them. Added to the mix are Tobi's friends--some gay, some straight. It becomes clear to everyone--except, of course, Ernst--that if the relationship is to survive, Uta must be forced to leave. Uta, however, is a tough customer, who won't leave without a struggle.
Although I enjoyed the film, there were some weak aspects to it. Uta was so impossibly evil that even Ernst would have caught on sooner rather than later. Tobi's charm appealed to Ernst in the film, but would it appeal to him in real life? Would he really want a partner-- straight or gay--who lived solely for pleasure? We have to accept that for Ernst the answer was "yes." My thought was that sooner or later Ernst would want someone who cared about art, literature, politics, gay rights--something other than the next diversion.
Still, "Men to Kiss" was a pleasant enough movie. I enjoyed it, and would recommend it, although I don't think it's worth seeking out and seeing at all costs. The film was shown at the Little Theatre as part of the excellent ImageOut--the Rochester LGBT Film & Video Festival.