Liam Fountain was cast as Mad Max, after he tried to audition for Mad Max: Fury Road and had made a trailer for YouTube. Which led the actor to meeting die hard Mad Max fans and one of them, Paul Miller, owned a replica of the V8 Interceptor and had the script for Mad Max: Renegade and decided to make for fun.
The Ford Mustang Mach I driven by the Marauder belonged to actor Luke Bluske. Director Paul Miller promised that no damage would be done to it, but he was wrong.
The Interceptor replica has an on-off supercharger, just like in the movie, along with an authentic Australian siren.
At the end of Mad Max (1979), which happens shortly before the short film. Max was shot in the leg by Bubba Zanetti and his leg is bandaged. In the short film, Max's leg is not bandage and appears to be walking fine and normally. Usually a bullet wound in leg takes 3-6 months to heal and Max would require the use of a walking stick to help him walk.
Director Miller's personal truck was used as the picture vehicle. Its rear window was sacrificed for the film.