The film "Hedgehog - Yizhachok," directed by D. Mitry, is not what it seems. While it pretends to be a regular movie, it's actually a tool for spreading lies and manipulation. In this review, I'll explain why it's so misleading and harmful.
First off, let's talk about the story. The movie portrays the Russian Army as good guys - kind and caring people. On the other hand, it paints Ukrainians as the bad guys - aggressive and mean. But here's the thing: that's not true at all. By showing such a black-and-white view of the world, the movie is twisting reality and spreading false information.
What's even worse is how the film tries to mess with your feelings. It's full of scenes meant to make you feel sorry for the Russian soldiers and angry at the Ukrainians. They use emotions like sympathy and anger to make you believe their lies. But just because something makes you feel emotional doesn't mean it's true.
When you watch such a film, you should always ask yourself these questions: Who is this director? Why he only uses his first name as D. Mitry? If you are confidant and honest, don't hide your true name, cause it will only make you look more shady!