An enigmatic man who weaves through light and shadow, he is the strict and demanding superior, the eager apprentice, the manipulative informant. Who is the man known as Zero and which side o... Read allAn enigmatic man who weaves through light and shadow, he is the strict and demanding superior, the eager apprentice, the manipulative informant. Who is the man known as Zero and which side of himself does he reveal when no one is watching?An enigmatic man who weaves through light and shadow, he is the strict and demanding superior, the eager apprentice, the manipulative informant. Who is the man known as Zero and which side of himself does he reveal when no one is watching?
Netflix's Anime Series and Movies, Ranked
Netflix's Anime Series and Movies, Ranked
We've rounded up every anime series and movie we could find — created or distributed by Netflix — to see which ones rank the highest, according to IMDb users.