This movie offered ceaseless moments of surprise. I'm sorry but the pretentious film nerd reviews are not to be heeded. I'm no film buff. I am a romantic academic whose who life career is wrapped up in understanding public appeal and popular culture.
This film is "rough." True. Technically. But there is something more at work that is simply beautiful and sublime.
The writing and directing is oddly authentic. Somehow and in someway, the director was able to pull more out of this cast than what is possible given the limited budget.
I came to this movie with low expectations.
And, perhaps, that is part of its charm for me: it defied and exceeded expectations.
Some have suggested that this movie needs to be "remade." Ok. Cool. But that only testifies to what this film is: a severely underrated romantic comedy that clearly has powerful writers and director.
When I watched this movie I felt like I was watching people of high talent, but low opportunity, being pushed to their limit. It felt like a last gasp...and last "let's give it our all" type attempt.
Yes. I get it. The film as "ingredients" of a sex/rom com. But that is not what this film is about. It is neither and only about sex or romance. It is also about how important it is to seize the moment.
And, "moments" is what I keep experiencing as I watched the film.
Again, I had low expectations. However, this film continually anticipated my "plot hole" cynicism and then offered just a bit more. Go ahead. I dare you. Consider this you "typical" rom/sex com movie. You will be surprised.
In my my background of expertise, I can tell you that anytime I am surprised it is only because someone has done something extraordinary. Ordinary, yes. But EXTRA ordinary.
Big ups and congrats to the crew of this low budget film. The writing and directing was solid. Give it a sympathetic view and you'll realize how awesome it is, not only and simply how it could be.