Les petites nymphettes revolves around a struggling photo studio in Paris, run by two up and coming as well as randy photographers, who somehow, through the liberal employment of sexy photo models, who are apparently not at all opposed to the occasional rumpy-pumpy session, manage to land a lucrative contract. In the end, the story is cut short by having quid pro quo sex with the big spender. Roll credits. Unfortunately the usage of term "nymphette" in the title is as dubious in French as it is in English, where it was famously used in the novel "Lolita" to refer to the victims of the sexual predator Humbert Humbert. This movie was shot in the early Eighties when such allusions where apparently deemed to be highly adventurous. In the movie we have only one such scene in the very beginning, when a seemingly innocent mommy's girl turns out to be sexually active and experienced. Afterwards it's mostly gorgeous photo models who are sexually active and willing to employ their charms for their own enjoyment and personal benefit. Unfortunately, unlike in many of Gérard Kikoine's other movies, there is no fun backstory connecting explicit scenes here, instead it's more a random amalgamation of plain porking. Eventually, two girls have sex in a massage parlor for good measure, and there is a grand final orgy which just didn't turn out sexy on film. Also random objects are repeatedly stuck into ladies' bottoms. The production company in this case apparently wasn't Alpha France but Ribu from Hamburg, maybe this was more of a side work for the director, or he was under orders to be especially kinky and fetishistic. OK, despite many gorgeous actresses (like Julia Perrin) and actors this isn't as much fun and excitement as Kikoine's other films.