The early part of this movie caught my interest because so much was different from the usual Royal movies, of which I am not a fan. For starters, Lexi, the princess, is living independently in NYC and making her own way. She has been for 10 years. Her parents, including the King, have given her a great deal of freedom and they discuss any differences of opinion openly and reasonably for the most part. There are no ogres and while these parents are somewhat protective, they are not in any way the usual overbearing parents. There is one exception - the bodyguard and Lexi doesn't waste a lot of time objecting to it.
Lexi must go on three dates to audition, if you will, prospects for her date to a Gala. The first two are the usual cliche bad dates. Meanwhile most things are developing predictably. And much of that part of the movie is spent showing Lexi agonizing and considering her choice for the future. That and getting to know her bodyguard, Noah.
The acting is OK. The story is OK but predictable with no great highs or lows or surprises. The dialogue is also OK, but not sparkling. I had no complaints about sound or sets. Ryan Bruce's Noah is a very cold fish in the beginning and I was worried he would have no personality, but as things progressed, he opened up and there was some chemistry with Emily Alatalo. Alatalo's Lexi is appealing both in personality and appearance.