I really enjoyed watching Matthew Modine's, "Jesus Was a Commie". I think he has many valid points when discussing the ideas of Jesus and the aspects of communism. Jesus preached that material belongings do not hold great importance. He spoke of giving up these belongings to others. He also guided his followers to help the less fortunate. He led people to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and give shelter to those without a home. In this way, Jesus provided many ideas that would ideally better society, by assisting the lower class and creating a system of equality.
It could be said that communism shares this idea of lack of individual ownership, since it includes a common ownership of property. The principles and practices of communism ideally strive for a balance in society. This holding of all property in common intends to promote equality. This system, however, has not been proved to be successful. Leaders have misused the system to gain power, showing the corruption that human selfishness causes.
Matthew Modine did an excellent job in discussing these aspects of both communism and the teachings of Jesus. I have to point out, however, that communism is strictly a political theory or system. The messages that Jesus brought had nothing to do with politics, and had everything to do with people's spiritual lives. Jesus had faith in a God who gives people free will, and Jesus led people to give up their physical belongings to become closer to God, and to have a loving attitude. And establishment that requires this common ownership takes away the key element of love that Jesus was working to create.
I feel that this film came from a strictly secular point of view when discussing the ideas of Jesus. I think that it is absolutely necessary to have a spiritual point of view as well when looking at the life of Jesus. If this spiritual aspect is disregarded, the message of Jesus is lost. Therefore, having an establishment where there is no individual ownership has nothing to do with giving away one's personal belongings out of love.