- 2024
- 15m
"Homework" is a 3D animated short film that follows the imaginative adventures of a pencil and its friends, using their unique abilities to help each other in unexpected situations. When Era... Read all"Homework" is a 3D animated short film that follows the imaginative adventures of a pencil and its friends, using their unique abilities to help each other in unexpected situations. When Eraser sees the rest of his friends having fun, he decides he also wants to be part of it, an... Read all"Homework" is a 3D animated short film that follows the imaginative adventures of a pencil and its friends, using their unique abilities to help each other in unexpected situations. When Eraser sees the rest of his friends having fun, he decides he also wants to be part of it, and while his intentions are the best, approach to art will cause an uproar that they haven'... Read all