We see the birth of several babies. They are bloody babies. We don't see the specific birth but we do see them taking the blood and mucous out of the baby's mouth. You see a brand new baby on a scale, you see his penis.
There is an interview with a drug addict that is frightening. They show him living in the squalor. There is a pretty long interview, maybe 3 minutes about him using meth. In Jamaica, we see someone smoking marijuana.
There is a scene with a car accident where you see blood and bodies. This would be disturbing for younger kids. There is an interview with a drug addict that is frightening. They show him living in the squalor. There is a lot of attention to the military, particularly that of North Korea and they come out and say they will use their nuclear weapons against the U.S. and their "puppet country." There are five or six scenes of North Korea. We see a woman giving herself dialysis, including putting the needle into her skin and the blood coming out.