Third year high school student Haru Hiiragi is popular with his peers, but isn't interested in his studies or love. Koto Harukawa is first year high school student who is the target of bully... Read allThird year high school student Haru Hiiragi is popular with his peers, but isn't interested in his studies or love. Koto Harukawa is first year high school student who is the target of bullying. One day, Haru sees Koto getting bullied and comes to her defense. Haru and Koto becom... Read allThird year high school student Haru Hiiragi is popular with his peers, but isn't interested in his studies or love. Koto Harukawa is first year high school student who is the target of bullying. One day, Haru sees Koto getting bullied and comes to her defense. Haru and Koto become friends and start their own "Kingyo Club" (Goldfish Club) as their safe haven. Problems ... Read all