15 reviews
The oddly titled Rage: Midsummer's Eve isn't a bad movie it's just overwhelmingly flawed.
It tells the usual cliched tale of a group of friends who go to stay in cabin away from civilization, because that always goes well!
Arguably the sub-genre would be considered slasher and it certainly has it's own identity. Partially due to the incredible Finnish metal soundtrack, partially because considering its budget for the most part it looks quite good.
The trouble is regarding that budget whenever something happens it shows, the counter measures they use to disguise the minimal funds simply don't work.
Set in Finland it's a pretty film that could have been good if only it wasn't devoid of budget. I'm not an elitist and support independent cinema (It tends to be better in fact) but never overshoot. If you can't afford to make the best of a script because of financial limitations then simply don't make the movie at all.
Could have been good, but the end product simply isn't. Nice try though all things considered.
The Good:
Great metal soundtrack
Has character
The Bad:
Audio balancing could have been better
Some character logic defies logic
Stock scream
Lack of budget shows
Crummy antagonist
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
Kids > Partner
Doesn't matter where you are in the world, drinking from a can on the streets looks trashy
Mustard, sausage and vodka sounds like a party
It tells the usual cliched tale of a group of friends who go to stay in cabin away from civilization, because that always goes well!
Arguably the sub-genre would be considered slasher and it certainly has it's own identity. Partially due to the incredible Finnish metal soundtrack, partially because considering its budget for the most part it looks quite good.
The trouble is regarding that budget whenever something happens it shows, the counter measures they use to disguise the minimal funds simply don't work.
Set in Finland it's a pretty film that could have been good if only it wasn't devoid of budget. I'm not an elitist and support independent cinema (It tends to be better in fact) but never overshoot. If you can't afford to make the best of a script because of financial limitations then simply don't make the movie at all.
Could have been good, but the end product simply isn't. Nice try though all things considered.
The Good:
Great metal soundtrack
Has character
The Bad:
Audio balancing could have been better
Some character logic defies logic
Stock scream
Lack of budget shows
Crummy antagonist
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
Kids > Partner
Doesn't matter where you are in the world, drinking from a can on the streets looks trashy
Mustard, sausage and vodka sounds like a party
- Platypuschow
- Nov 29, 2018
- Permalink
I'm not a friend or relative of the film makers, as I suspect, that the writers of all these positive reviews must be. Either that, or a random group of people with poor taste, just happened to come upon this film. I'm just writing this review to let you know, that this movie is very poor, 2/3's of it being just an extended chase scene, which finally ends with . . . nothing. The actors and the camera work are adequate, the little bit of music is passable; however, the non-existent plot simply consisting of the characters perpetually running through the woods, with no pay-off, is tiring, and ultimately very disappointing. A child could have easily dreamed this up. I just wanted to warn you.
- onlythusfar
- Mar 18, 2015
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- dspence100
- Mar 22, 2015
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-Rage: Midsummer's Eve (2015) movie review: -I am going to make this quick. Rage: Midsummer's Eve is a generic horror film about a group of young adults who go to a creepy house and there's death and bad things and stuff.
-The story has been done to death, -The film took forever to start and didn't pick up that much until the last third.
-None of the acting is anything better than any other film like this.
-The characters were all horror stereotypes minus the black guy.
-I did not pay attention to the music because none of it stood out to me.
-Nothing else in this film is original or better than cliché in any way. Therefore, Rage: Midsummer's Eve is not worth seeing. Ever.
-The story has been done to death, -The film took forever to start and didn't pick up that much until the last third.
-None of the acting is anything better than any other film like this.
-The characters were all horror stereotypes minus the black guy.
-I did not pay attention to the music because none of it stood out to me.
-Nothing else in this film is original or better than cliché in any way. Therefore, Rage: Midsummer's Eve is not worth seeing. Ever.
- rprince-832-6294
- Mar 23, 2015
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- thatguywhobuysstuff
- Sep 14, 2015
- Permalink
A small budget horror film from an unknown female director is something that is not often heard of. It may be even unique but the sad thing is that the film wasn't good and it looks quite amateurish. I can't believe it took over one million dollar to make it when it looks like that it was made with no money at all.
One third of it had passed and yet nothing had happened. Nothing engaging. Too much time is used for useless scenes with really bad dialogue and yet every character is just as distant as they were the first time you saw them. I had enough after a half an hour and quit watching it. It has nothing to give, no story nothing really interesting that hadn't been made before. So why was it made? Today's technology make it possible to shoot films like this too easily. As a film school project this would be outstanding and still very tacky but no it's supposed to be a real movie.
One third of it had passed and yet nothing had happened. Nothing engaging. Too much time is used for useless scenes with really bad dialogue and yet every character is just as distant as they were the first time you saw them. I had enough after a half an hour and quit watching it. It has nothing to give, no story nothing really interesting that hadn't been made before. So why was it made? Today's technology make it possible to shoot films like this too easily. As a film school project this would be outstanding and still very tacky but no it's supposed to be a real movie.
I am a big fan of horror, action and scary movie. I watched Rage: Midsummer's Eve (2015) and wasn't disappointed! I highly recommend it. Right from the very start, my eyes were frozen to the screen. I couldn't take my eyes off of it.
I enjoyed the plot of this film. The script contains many clever "so that's what that was about!" moments, and the twists are much more complicated and scary than you would expect in a horror sequel.
The acting was on point. Johnny Sachon and Michael Vardian were extremely impressive in their respective performance. I was blown away at how beautifully done it was: the camera work, the acting, the story, it all took me by surprise. Technically, it is very crafty. You won't suspect it coming.
In general, "Rage: Midsummer's Eve" possesses a professionalism not often seen in the genre; most horror films go for cheap across the board from the budget to the talent to the thrills. The film is distinct in terms of story. Not an ounce of it can be perceived as immature or hollow. What a rare treat!
I enjoyed the plot of this film. The script contains many clever "so that's what that was about!" moments, and the twists are much more complicated and scary than you would expect in a horror sequel.
The acting was on point. Johnny Sachon and Michael Vardian were extremely impressive in their respective performance. I was blown away at how beautifully done it was: the camera work, the acting, the story, it all took me by surprise. Technically, it is very crafty. You won't suspect it coming.
In general, "Rage: Midsummer's Eve" possesses a professionalism not often seen in the genre; most horror films go for cheap across the board from the budget to the talent to the thrills. The film is distinct in terms of story. Not an ounce of it can be perceived as immature or hollow. What a rare treat!
For me the point of horror films has always been the fear of unknown or something which you cannot control. Several other films has done it for me, and Rage: Midsummer's Eve is also one of those films. Whereas Michael Myers is explained to viewers as using "talk to me like I am four years old" method there are films which you never really know why you have to be afraid or who is threading you. And that is awesome! Tii Ricks has created a roller coaster kind of horror experience which starts from a little push - the easy and joyful, excited feeling in the beginning of the ride - and once you get to the peak point of it, you just realise that all you can do is to hold on and go with the flow. The Director of Photography for Rage is Lawrence Dolkart whom has previously shot music videos for example for Marilyn Manson and Stone Temple Pilots. This really shows in a film.
I am a huge fan of Scandianvian films and for me this was no exception. I was waiting for it to be more gore and bloody but then I got the point that it allows one to use their imagination and own interpretation of what is actually happening to the five wanderers in the woods. I aim to give good an and not so good feedback on all films I see. This film is no exception. I really enjoyed the way the film was shot and thought that the actors were pretty good, even though a few of the scandi actors could have tried to pronounce in some scenes some words a bit more clear but that is no biggie. I think the director took a good and gutsy move by shooting a horror that focuses on events happening in daylight, and it worked fine for me. Yeah there was a bit too much running, but it felt like it keep the claustrophobic feel going. I really felt like this flick had a good feel to it. Yes there were a lot of clichés but realized that it was kind of the point after reading an interview on the film. I have no problem recommending this and in the end I think it was good to see something that was different to the cliché torments in the dark. Thumbs up from me and look forward to what this director brings next. Rock on Scandiland!!!
- jeffthemaneli
- Apr 4, 2015
- Permalink
For me always comes as a surprise that a female director is a director of a horror movie. Somehow I am bound to stereotypically relate them to more romantic accomplishments (not that a horror movie can't be romantic :-)). Tii Ricks did a great hob here and I enjoyed watching her work. I am neither really acquainted with actors in this movie but they are solid in their roles. Story is somewhat typical, some guys went too far, where no one can help them, and someone/something is chasing them. But script makes sense and I didn't find any "holes" in it.
There are decent scares that put me on the edge of my seat a couple of times and special effects/makeup is also good. I am not sure whether to call this movie a low-budget, because $1.3 million is not low at all, and when watching it you can't really feel they cut expenses anywhere. All in all, high recommendation!
There are decent scares that put me on the edge of my seat a couple of times and special effects/makeup is also good. I am not sure whether to call this movie a low-budget, because $1.3 million is not low at all, and when watching it you can't really feel they cut expenses anywhere. All in all, high recommendation!
- AmyBarns20
- Mar 5, 2015
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The idea of making horror movie in broad daylight is great! And when you add that all this is happening in Finland (where I'd love to visit) the movie really makes difference. I've heard a lot nice things about Lapland and the white nights during summer time.
The places in the film are really authentic and scary. The production design is just amazing. And it was nice to see new and talented actors. I liked that the main character is female. Holly Georgia does great as Hannah.
I recommend this film for all horror fans. And also those who are interested in Finland!
The places in the film are really authentic and scary. The production design is just amazing. And it was nice to see new and talented actors. I liked that the main character is female. Holly Georgia does great as Hannah.
I recommend this film for all horror fans. And also those who are interested in Finland!
- johannasmith89
- Mar 10, 2015
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