1 review
Wow! I just don't understand Iran! I vaguely remember this story. First of all, why was Sarah released before the other two men? Second, why was Sarah placed in solitary confinement and not the other two men? There are still a lot of holes in this story in my opinion, but the documentary was well done. Regardless, Iran never followed the international rights and they should have been forced to do so via international law/agreements. I think Iran was getting revenge on the US, but what do I really know? Either way, the hikers were clearly innocent. How does justice get served this way? How do you get the time you wasted back from a story of three hikers that were completely misunderstood and wrongfully accused? These hikers had so much US support that began with their families and these people never gave up on the release of all 3 hikers. This is an inspirational story because of international relations. That speaks volumes regarding personal value of a situation/story. If I were to be in that kind of situation on my own, the amount of physical support I would receive might not be as big. There was clear value in this kind of situation. What made it so valuable that it received such great publicity and international focus? Not the hikers, nor their families, but more about the guidelines of abiding by international law in my opinion. Other countries need to get with the program. People make mistakes because of their focus. Excellent story! I hope something was done about Iran's blatant disregard of international law. The two men should have never spent two very long years in their prison system and Sarah should have never spent one very long year in their solitary confinement prison system. I think that is why Iran's president finally gave in because they knew they were in the wrong, not to mention all the pressure Iran received about the hiker's release. Watch this so you can form your own conclusion.