"Slavery By Another Name" is a documentary about the various means the South exacted free labor from African Americans after the Civil War and the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment. The documentary goes from the end of the Civil War up to WWII when it can be said that all forms of slavery were cutoff under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. There are black and white photos of certain individuals and interviews from the descendants of some. There are also interviews of historians which makes the film very educational and enlightening. The means used to re-enslave a fair amount of African Americans came largely through the criminal justice system and they were just as repressive as the legal slavery that preceded it. This documentary would be an eye-opener for most people and it's done in a very professional non-salacious manner. It is informative, not preachy. If someone were to find this documentary offensive, then I think that person has issues and should take a long look in the mirror.
Free on YouTube.