When i first took a look at the DVD cover i knew this film was going to suck...But i could not imagine that it would be such a awful film.
A short summary of this garbage:
Starts of with two girls getting undressed in the forest for no reason. Why? I don't know. Probably cause this movie is stupid. Then both girls gets killed by this horribly bad made alien. (Looks like a bad Halloween costume). Then it changes story, the girls was just a buildup to the main story. A bunch of students walk around in the forest and gets killed one by one. So a avatar comes down from space to help them. Together with the avatar they start up this cardboard lookalike robot that belong in a 50s movie to kill the alien.
The actors are a disgrace, no emotion what so ever, it's does kind of actors who thinks that they do a good job by just groaning and do heavy breathings.
And the special effects.... Looks so cheap. I know that it's a low budget movie, but why sell it in stores? They are robbing buyers money. Don't buy this movie. They are selling you dirt.
Thank you for reading this review. SwedishCritic