To a common viewer, the anime might be found a bit weird in the first glance, firstly due to the quick narration of the protagonist character 'Watashi', and the unique and liberal art style.
The story might seem to have a lot of repeating scenes in the initial episodes for the viewer, but then again the story basically follows the concept of parallel universes to support it.
I can assure you the story builds up pretty intense and captivating in the later episodes. The ending is very justified to personal opinion, and worth the time of viewing the 11 episodes to the end.
Genres include - psychological, slice of life and romance.
For an anime like The Tatami Galaxy, I would've given a review of 8, or 9 at best. Factors like - witty and unique direction, the unexpected flow of the storyline, working the anime in a lower budget (due to numerous real-video scenes), and good anime opening/ending have earned it a 10 from self.
It wouldn't be hard for anime enthusiasts to complete the 11 episodes.
For common viewers, do give this show a scrutiny till the end. Assurance that the conclusions are to the worth.