- Marvin: She has talents you and I will never have.
- Frank: What talents?
- Marvin: People like her.
- Han Cho Bai: If she lives, this'll be good for your relationship. You're right.
- Marvin: And if there's one thing I know, it's women and covert ops.
- Frank: That's two things.
- Han Cho Bai: No, grasshopper. It is not.
- Frank: [eulogy] Marvin was... different. He was... a very good shot. Some would say that... he was paranoid. But you have to expect... a little of that when the CIA's dosing you with LSD for... a little more than a decade.
- Ivan: [noticing her shoeless foot] Ah, there is nothing more sexy in the whole world than a beautiful woman with an incredible gun.
- Victoria: [taking out soldiers with scoped rifle] You're such a romantic.
- [cut to Frank freeing Marvin and Sarah than cut back to Ivan and Victoria]
- Ivan: I love the way your toes curl right before you fire.
- Victoria: Hopeless.
- Ivan: [sniffs her boot] Oh!
- [first lines]
- Frank: Baby, check this out. Huh, a power washer? We need one of these.
- Sarah: Yeah.
- Frank: On the patio in the back yard.
- Sarah: Yeah.
- Frank: Should we go look at those window treatments?
- Sarah: No.
- Frank: Do you want one of those hotdogs? They're very good.
- Sarah: Baby, you are a heck of a homemaker. You know that? But, um, we, you know, we could just go to dinner. Or...
- Frank: Well, you know, if you don't make it...
- Frank, Sarah: [together] ... you don't eat it.
- Frank: You know what? That-That's a great idea. What if I make you dinner? I'm gonna go and get that, uh, grill. The big shiny one. Will you get us some shrimp? The big jumbo kind. Four down. Three over. Come back and find me down here. In tools.
- Frank: You gave her a gun?
- Marvin: It is America, Frank.
- Sarah: Everyone else has a gun.
- Frank: She has no idea what to do with this.
- Sarah: I know exactly what to do with it.
- [grabs gun back and accidentally fires]
- Frank: You don't... give fire... to a kitten. Why don't you just give her some dynamite, Marvin?
- [Frank walks away]
- Sarah: No external safety on the Sig?
- [Marvin shakes his head no, then turns and walks away]
- Sarah: [slaps Frank repeatedly to see if he is still drugged] He's out.
- Marvin: He might be awake.
- Sarah: Oh, good. So he can feel it. Did you ever, ever in your entire *career* let yourself get drugged? You still like her! And now she has the key!
- Marvin: Well, she-she doesn't have *the* key. She has *a* key.
- Sarah: What?
- Marvin: Well, I knew she would play him like a banjo at an Ozark hoedown. So I have the key.
- Frank: [mutters] Water.
- [Sarah slaps him again]
- Marvin: [looks at the bomb] It's counting down, Frank.
- Han Cho Bai: Shut it off. Right?
- Marvin: Shut... Shut... Yeah. Wi-With what? Acupressure?
- Han Cho Bai: I don't know.
- Marvin: Well, why is it my responsibility?
- Han Cho Bai: Just do something.
- Marvin: With my Mr. Chemistry set? I don't know what I'm doing. You want me to push a button?
- Frank: Eleven million people are gonna lose their lives if you don't help me.
- [tosses him the gun]
- Han Cho Bai: [reluctantly tosses it back] All right. Let's go.
- [pause]
- Han Cho Bai: This doesn't mean I'm not going to kill you later.
- Marvin: Edward Bailey was a genius physicist who built some of the greatest stuff during the Cold War. Neutron bombs, particle beam weapons, nerve gas. Excellent nerve gas. You know, he was a... rock star of conceptual mass killing. They called him the "The Da Vinci of Death."
- MI6 Chief Security Officer: They say you're a legend around here. I've, um... I've never heard of you. Must have been a bit before my time.
- Victoria: [escapes her handcuffs and takes him down] Well, you've heard of me now.
- Frank: So, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?
- Katja: I would like to believe that the U.S. didn't plant a weapon of mass-destruction in Moscow. But I don't. Why are you in Paris?
- Marvin: We come every fall of Strike Season and for the weather.
- Katja: Oh. Well, the U.S. seems to think you're nuclear terrorists. Russia wants complete access. You agree now or I'll hand you over to the U.S. government.
- Sarah: [whispers to Marvin] Can't we just kill her?
- Han Cho Bai: You blew up my plane.
- Sarah: Sorry.
- Marvin: I was wrong? So we're not even gonna... die?
- Frank: Not yet.
- Han Cho Bai: I was actually starting to like you. I was even thinking about not killing you. This is what happens when you try to save the world.
- Victoria: Han, Han, you can't put a price on these things.
- Han Cho Bai: You owe me 30 mil for the plane. And 20 for not killing you. You're a dead man, Moses.
- Frank: Thanks for your help. Really.
- [starts walking away]
- Sarah: You think he means it?
- Frank: Nah, he's a nice guy.
- Han Cho Bai: I mean it, Frank!
- Frank: All right.
- Victoria: [to Marvin] Ah, they're gonna be right as rain.
- Marvin: [whispering] He made the run to emotional safety.
- Jack Horton: Speaking of Sarah, I love watching her shave her legs in the tub. Kinda reminds me of these Belgian mercs I met in the Congo. They would skin people... alive... to get them to talk.
- Jack Horton: Hi, there. Um, my client, Frank Moses, is here. He's an American citizen being detained illegally and without due process. You know what? That is a lovely blazer.
- Kelly: Thank you.
- Han Cho Bai: [about Frank] I'm really going to enjoy killing him. Get me a gun that really... hurts.
- Bailey: [finds the bomb hidden on the plane he is fleeing with as it is about to go off] I didn't see that one coming.
- Frank: Et tu, Marvin?
- Marvin: Style is the only constant in life, Frank.
- Frank: We didn't come to Paris on vacation.
- Sarah: Oh. Well, shopping's - what I thought you did - in Paris - with your boyfriend's money - while you're waiting for him - to wake up from being taken down by his skanky, slutty, Russian bi-atch ex-girlfriend. So, thanks. Thanks. Thanks for the compliment for the fur. For telling me that I look nice in my dress. And it makes me feel really good and it makes me feel very loving towards you also.
- Frank: [to Marvin as Sarah drives off] Why is she doing this to me?
- Sarah: Please. You're so brave. But you have to understand we're doing this for the right reasons. And this - this isn't worth your life. You must have something to live for. Art? Wine? Women?
- [passionately kisses The Frog]
- Frank: Hey.
- [Sarah keeps kissing The Frog]
- Frank: Hey.
- [Sarah keeps passionately kissing The Frog]
- Frank: Hey. Hey.
- Sarah: Help us.
- [kissing The Frog]
- Sarah: We need this information.
- [passionately kissing The Frog]
- Sarah: You'll be helping us save the world. Please.
- The Frog: Oh. Mmm. You, I'll help.
- [softly to Frank to get him out of the way so he can get a key for Sarah]
- The Frog: Excuse me.
- Sarah: Thank you.
- [after getting the key from The Frog, to Katja]
- Sarah: And you can - suck it!
- [starts to leave the room]
- Frank: Baby? Honey?
- Sarah: Seriously? You hooked up with that?
- The Frog: What - a woman.
- Victoria: Just rent "Dirty Dancing," tell her you love her. You know, it's important to enjoy life while you still can.
- Marvin: She and Frank were young and he didn't have the slightest idea she was working for the Russians. She's Frank Moses' kryptonite.
- Victoria: I think it was really, really good. I thought I was kind of channeling Bette Davis, you know.