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Pan Am (TV Series 2011–2012) Poster


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Great nostalgia - promising new series
redwriteandblue26 September 2011
I've never submitted a review to IMDb, though am a screenwriter and have my own film review blog ... but the two negative reviews of "Pan Am" compelled me to put in my own two cents.

Too much in America, viewers want TV that doesn't make them think (one reason reality shows are so popular) - but even I was surprised by the negative review here that was partially due to the multiple story lines for the "Pan Am". I was easily able to follow all the story lines and characters, and thought the show captured the period (via costumes, music, props, etc.) MUCH better than, say, something like "The Playboy Club". So, SO many people are obsessed or intrigued by the 1960s era, it's a real shame the reviewer who naively put this show down to appealing only to those who go to bed by 10pm was completely clueless that this series has a broad-based appeal for all ages, thanks to story lines and character.

And how, from one pilot episode, can one reviewer make the judgment that this would make a better miniseries? "Pam Am" is excellent in writing, acting, characterization and settling you right into 1963. Worth your time, and I hope following episodes can continue with this quality.
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What ABC always did best....
jwrowe310 October 2011
Good old fashioned "escapist fun". That was ABC's forte back in the day. "Fantasy Island", "Love Boat"...shows like this took you away from your standard drama show. And in some ways "Pan Am" does just that.

No, there's no schlocky comedy or anything along those lines, but you go back to a day and age where flying was glamorous, and there was an air of 'excitement' in faraway places. I'm, just a little too young to recall travel like we see on the show, having been born in 1961... My first flight wasn't until the late 60's and by then jet travel was almost the norm than the exception...and then deregulation came along and flying was more a chore than an event to look forward to.

I agree with another poster who thinks the flight crew is a little young. The "jet boys" tended to be a little older. I recall when the pilots of the planes I flew were all old WWII pilots, all in their late 50's or so when I flew through the 1970's...

Aside from THAT, I have very little to grouse about.

Should this show have really great legs and last a while, it'll be interesting to see where we go as Pan Am's fortunes were at their peak in the 60's, but the decline began as the 70's arrived.

Good show. Good Job, ABC!
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A lot of fun - a nice simple period drama that is easy on the eyes.
chillgreg27 November 2011
For those wanting to bathe in the innocence of the era, the examining of the stereotypes and issues typical of the day, wrapped in a delightful coating of lovely sets, beautiful and convincing actors, and believable scripting, then this is your show.

For those wanting serious period drama and historical accuracy to the nth minutia, then disappointment awaits. (As many reviews reveal) Some TV shows just make you want to puke or punch the screen. Terra Nova is a prime example at the moment. But I find myself quite ensconced by Pan Am. Not once do I find myself saying "oh, that can't be real", or "yeah right!".

Pan Am's believability is determined by the joy shown for their parts by the actors performances. There aren't many shows which the focus is largely on the woman, and their intelligence and courage in what was very much a man's world.

The sets are truly amazing - they actually built a full-size replica Boeing 707 for this show! In summary - if you have fond memories of Pan Am and the era it represented, or just enjoy well-made television, then I think you will find this show delivers.
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Pan Am is a hit!
dmills793826 September 2011
Having flown Pan Am dozens of times from the late 1960's to the mid-1980's, I found the visuals of the show to be right on the mark. Yes, the stewardesses walked gracefully in formation through the airport terminal and all heads turned. Their uniforms, hair and posture were perfect. They were worshiped as goddesses by young men and idolized and envied by young women. Pan Am does a terrific job of portraying this image accurately. The first episode (pilot) attempts to set the table for the following episodes by introducing the viewer to the main characters - Maggie, Collette, Laura, Kate and the mysterious Bridgette. I think that is all the first episode needed to do. The first episode left enough unsaid to make this viewer tune in next week.
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It's a fun flashback with some Elephants in the room
thejdrage23 August 2022
Okay - elephants in the room. Dean would never have been a captain at his age and experience level - the union would have gone to war over it. Second baby elephant 'cause she's so tiny - Maggie would never have been a stewardess let alone a purser because she's too short to reach the overhead baggage bins. And she'd only been with Pan Am for 2 years. BUT! This is TV, so what the heck!!

It was fun! As a former pilot I saw aviation goofs, and was proud of myself for how much I remembered and then got back to enjoying the show. I thought the short field take-off in Haiti was brilliant. And it is most certainly a "thing".

Ted was my favorite, most well-rounded character. Kate grew the most. Maggie the most consistent.

I was glad they brought in a genuine cranky "dirty old man" captain, AND a Sky God! That was essential to the story - and they were like that!!! You had to love them! Or loved to hate them. And they DID tell war stories about their flying days in the war. The one's I heard were riotous and comical and if put into a book, no on would believe it - including almost taking out the Taj Mahal one foggy morning.

Yep. THOSE were the days, my friend!! We thought they'd never end.

SO, forgive the hiccups in the series and enjoy it for what it is: Really good, fun entertainment!!
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The Greatest Series That Never Was
Dan1863Sickles21 February 2021
I hate to admit it, but I can see why this warm, funny, sexy show was cancelled so quickly. The klutzy comedy totally clashes with the soap opera style sex and the amateurish Cold War spy stuff. But it's really astonishing to see Margot Robbie as she was ten years ago, a total unknown. Her raw talent is incredible, plus she has the curves and whispery innocence of Marilyn Monroe, the regal bearing of Grace Kelly, and the wide-eyed comic timing of Mary Tyler Moore!
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Pan Am
mikelang33026 September 2011
Well written script - the intrigue is great. Nice job of weaving the stories together. Good to see all involved in creation of this series understand the airline industry. Frankly, was not expecting such a high degree of detail and accuracy as few people understand the industry. It looks simple from the outside but is full of deep and highly complex issues. What you saw was true. Lots of emotional drama in the airline industry draw from. Would occasionally like to see some of the serious side too. If the remainder of the series is as good as the first it will be a winner. Thanks for wonderful entertainment - look forward to next Sunday night.
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Fly with Pan Am
Mike138827 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the trailer when it first came out and after last night pilot, I can confirm that the 40 minutes TV series are also as good as I predicted. Of course there are some cheesy moments, plot hole or even scenes that makes you cringe (Flight attendant turns to secret service!), but despite that all the four actresses are remarkable and shares great chemistry. It's wonderful to see Christina Ricci's face again after a long time (and she looks good! No more big forehead), other stars like Kelli Garner and Margot Robie as sisters who work at the same airline did good too, and who can forget the charming French attendant Colette (played by Karine Vanassa)? The lead male star played by Mike Vogel was he weakest, he should be less dramatic in few scenes I think. Overall I give it a go!
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I really enjoyed the show
lorelei711-73-69491826 September 2011
It is in a way a soap, so there is going to be multiple story lines, but if you have even half a decent attention span this will be no problem. It is a history lesson of how things were not so long ago and shows how women had to put up with crap just to do their jobs. But, for me it is a thrill of an era that opened doors.

When the jets became part of commercial flying the world changed. It was exciting! Being able to go to another country in a matter of hours. Meeting and seeing people from foreign countries you would never imagine getting to do.

As for the pilots being too young, that is true. Especially handling the new jets. I just ignored that.

The music is great. The period clothes are on the money. The pride of being a stewardess (that is what they were called then) was right on. The first episode was very enjoyable and I hope that it continues and has great success.
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glossy shiny clashing stories
SnoopyStyle29 August 2015
It's 1963. Laura Cameron (Margot Robbie) is a runaway bride following her black sheep sister Kate (Kelli Garner) to be a Pan Am stewardess. Kate is recruited by government agent Richard Parks (Jeremy Davidson) to be a secret courier. Maggie Ryan (Christina Ricci) is the sassy wild one. Colette Valois (Karine Vanasse) is the worldly French one. Ted Vanderway (Michael Mosley) and Dean Lowrey (Mike Vogel) are pilots.

It is a glossy mix of disparate and clashing story styles. The family drama of Kate and Laura is probably the most compelling and starts the show on the right foot. The cold war espionage drama is probably the most clashing. It is tonally a completely different show. Annabelle Wallis haunts the show like a ghost. Colette is probably the darkest. Again her dark tones clash with the bright shiny show. Christina Ricci is probably the most disappointing because the show struggles to find a long term stable story for her. Dean is weakly written or weakly performed. Ted has some good daddy issues but he gets annoying. This is a glossy shiny recreation of an era that is a bit too glossy. The clashing tones keep it from a stable platform. There is some good work from these beautiful women but the TV show struggles to figure out what it wants to be. It is a flighty workplace melodrama one minute and a dangerous espionage show the next.
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Could have been decent
lisamariakc8 March 2020
The show could be great for sure. But unfortunately like every other show on the planet it does well then falls apart because of excessive and unnecessary drama. There seems to be a writers playbook in Hollywood for the last 50 years that they must be forced to follow. This playbook is tiresome and getting old, I wish that someone in Hollywood would have the guts to go against the system and be original instead of just doing the same thing over and over again. Pan Am is just another example of a show, that looks and feels like every other show made.
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I liked it!
mowowie26 September 2011
Four Beautiful women, Great setting, My GF loved it. The show brings back a wonderful era when people had class and self-respect.

Yes, the pilots seemed sort of too young, almost like they had to land the plane quick to catch 7th period geography class. A Grizzled ex-navy pilot from the Korean war with a young, fresh co-pilot would have been better but whatever i guess.

Show seemed fresh, fun, and adding cold war intrigue to make it even more interesting. I can't wait for the disaster episode. You know, when the plane loses 2 engines in a storm half-way across the Atlantic. I'll watch again next week. Let's see what happens.....

Oh yea, did i mention the girls are super hot? They HAD to be back then.
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Much better if watched in original episode order!
billiejoesmum27 August 2020
I'd been wanting to watch this series (well, the 1 series we got) for several years, as being an older millennial, I find the history of women in eras like the 60's fascinating. I was really glad that it finally appeared on prime video as we get given restricted access to US shows in Blighty.

It does have its flaws, namely being a bit saccharine, whereas I think I would have enjoyed it with a grittier format, especially the sub-plots with the CIA & MI6.

The lack of smoking stood out to the point of being quite silly, especially after MadMen which was brilliantly accurate in that specific.

The confidence of the women to regularly stand up to male passengers and colleagues let the show down. I would like to have seen more of the double sided personalities of the stewardesses, intelligent and determined amongst themselves and their partners, but having to play the part of the 'bimbo' in public, and the frustrations & anguish that must have caused them every day.

The worst crime the show committed was flucking up the episode order, so that by the time you watched the penultimate episode, it made little sense. I think it could have been salvaged if it hadn't been messed up for whatever reason they decided to change the order. The storylines weren't too complex with too many characters, it was a very simple plot to follow. In fact, as I have a chronic illness, I relegated this to my 'bad days watchlist' because it is one of those shows you can watch in bed without having to concentrate too hard.

Please, if you take just one thing from this review; watch episode 13 between episodes 9 and 10 (I think, can't check now.), it will infinitely improve your viewing experience.
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Difficult to bare after a while.
peljasz23 December 2020
I gobbled it over one weekend, I binged it. Even being relaxed and in a good mood I could only enjoy till about half of the season. Around that time it reveal its true nature which is... a freaking fairy tale where every single thing is happy ending! Around that time it makes one nauseated.
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Not totally surprised it was canceled...
bg11215-366-2631779 December 2012
...but a bit disappointed nonetheless. I watched the first season (while it was still available for free online), and while I was interested in some of the characters and story lines, I felt that it just missed the mark somehow. The story lines seemed kinda cheesy, like a daytime soap opera. What it comes down to, I think, is the writing just wasn't there. It was a great idea for a series, but I think they would have needed to bring in different writers to make it work. Or tried to make it a completely different kind of show, like a comedy. But as it was, the type of drama it was, just didn't work very well. Obviously. Take the lesbian element for example. That was just kinda odd. And the other romances/dalliances were just melodramatic, lacking any real depth or interest.
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paulm07627 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very interesting and intriguing show. The artistic value of this show is very vogue and it has fantastic production value, The characters are great so far and I can't wait to see how the writers build on them. Cold War scenario, wow, this I never thought of,, this could make this very interesting. As far as costume design,, this show has it!! Great Job! I love the way the music is played to the scenes, this makes it soon enjoyable! These days, it is nice to see some thought actually goes into a show! I enjoyed that this show did not rely on over sex to make it happen, it's very much like they way they used to make movies.. leave it to the viewers imagination. ( Much more seductive!) The photography is excellent and I loved the way the D.P. has captured the essence of the 1950's, great job.

One episode in and they have a world of stories at their fingertips, Espionage, Spy vs. Spy, relationships, Love and Family and a world of travel as seen back in the 50's and 60's. It's going to be good..and never boring.. unlike other shows that premiered this year! They have something special.. I for one felt it was a breath of fresh air in a stale business that has made it's mark remaking or shocking the viewers into a mind melting mush of humdrum TV. This one will make you think and sit back and enjoy!! That's what good TV is!

I can't wait to see more.. keep up the fantastic work. Don't listen to stuffy people who think they know more than the general public.. get a life. This show does it all..
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Has/had a lot of potential
Zulu4223 February 2012
I've tuned into this show since it's inception and I'm glad I did because it's one of the few shows on network TV that isn't following the usual cookie-cutter plots and story lines that so many of the other indistinguishable hospital-based/dysfunctional-family-driven/crime-of-the-week stuff that's out there. Not that any show dealing with those topics is bad, it's just getting tired and unoriginal. That's why Pan Am was such a breath of fresh air when it aired.

Unfortunately, sometimes the plots felt like they were thrown together last minute to give each character their moment in the spotlight instead of concentrating on building the back stories of the flight crew through more group situations. The cast is great but while I found myself engrossed in some of the sub story lines (like Maggie's growing involvement in ethically questionable stuff or Laura's figurative jailbreak from a previously boring life with a new taste for adventure as a flight attendant and novice photographer, for instance), others kind of bored me. Kellie Garner's role as Kate and her adventures as a CIA courier/soon to be spy in training were just too forced and silly. When I DVR'ed the show, I'd fast forward through those particular parts because they just didn't mesh well. No offense to Ms. Garner, who is a top notch actress, but the part of the CIA trainee would've been more believable to me if any one of the other women in the cast played the role. Maybe it's because Ms. Garner looks too sweet and seems uncomfortable playing that part. I don't know. On a better note, the romantic entanglements are pretty cool and I'm loving the match ups. Mike Vogel's pretty boy Dean is an unlikely yet perfect match for the cool and mysterious Collette (Karine Vannasse), and the nice slow burn romance that's building between naive Laura (Margot Robbie) and hotshot pilot Ted (Michael Mosely) is charming. It would be cool to see Maggie and Kate get some constant companionship too. Finally, it would be nice to have a little more of the travel scene stuff because, hell, they're an airline crew and they go to some great places. Start to show some more of the places and sites and less of the inside of the terminal or their apartments so much. I hope this show makes it because it's good and, despite some disjointed stuff that seems to happen in many of the episodes, I still like it. Maybe ABC will take a chance and renew it and give it a better slot. Here's hoping.
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Loving this show!
poetikat4618 October 2011
Nice to see a classy, well-written drama with a real sense of story, developed characters, a bit of intrigue and gorgeous costumes! This is the sort of program I have been looking for, for a very long time! I was never a stewardess, but I can easily relate to the sense of adventure, the glamour and fun of such a job. I was born in the 60s, so there is a nice bit of nostalgia for the clothes, the music and the political atmosphere. I sincerely hope that this program does not get the chop because a young audience is not patient enough to watch a really intelligent story. Give it some time; just sit back and enjoy the ride!

Well done, creators, writers and cast of Pan Am! Long may you FLY!
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Good show
rtfristoe31 December 2019
Really liked it. Sorry it was canceled. I wanted to see the characters development further. Loved the cast.
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Best. Series. Ever.
frogvik13 February 2012
This is a wonderful series. It makes you feel like you are there, experiencing everything with them. I've always loved the aviation industry, and i have been a frequent flyer since i was 7 because of family reasons. This show really tells the story of how it all started. The actors and actresses portray the characters in an outstanding way, and just the history of it, of it being real in most ways, is just amazing. This is a show worth every single minute and penny! It wouldn't surprise me if this show found its way into future classrooms!

I am so angry that ABC are even considering cancelling it. They should do their homework and find out how many people are watching it and how many love it! I know that many DVR it, so they don't have to watch the commercials, or because they have to get up early on Monday's. Too bad money rules the world...
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It has some potential
aliceinbham26 September 2011
It seemed like it could be a good show, but they had too many plot themes in the first episode, as with the fact they gave too much away. The reason people love good television series is they have a slight mystery and suspense. That's what essentially keeps viewers. I understand the writers concept to show all the connections between the characters but it needs to evolve throughout the series. I feel like I can already predict how the season will end. The other problem is they have some well known faces to people who enjoy indie films, as well as the obvious movie star Christina Ricci. With any TV series that has movie stars and potential movie stars isn't going to last very long. But I have to say it kept me intrigued, I wasn't necessarily bored, and I am looking forward to seeing the second episode. With hope that it could straighten out the plot and give viewers more reason to return.
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An insult to old Pan Am crews.
meadmurg27 January 2013
I've only seen two episodes, the first, and finally the one where they diverted to Haiti.

The appalling and unprofessional aviation detail is a disgrace to the legions of Pan Am employees who made Pan Am the great airline it was, they must be turning in their grave.

As a young Second Officer with a competitor International Airline in the 1960's I used to look up to the old Pan Am skippers with awe and reverence - not the crew depicted here, way too young as others' have already mentioned - they can't even get the navigator in the right seat, in this last episode I heard "Chuck" described as the navigator for the sector, yet he is shown sitting at the Flight Engineers panel. Can't you even get the basics right !!

It might, just might, be excusable to depict flying like this for a Soap Opera using a mythical airline name and logo, but to besmirch the fine name of Pan Am in this way is almost criminal in my book.

Goodbye, no more for me, you've blown it.
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Great Show
mafuma-285-5279484 April 2020
I loved this show and was sorry to see it cancelled.
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Looks pretty, but it's weak
aadams26 September 2011
I enjoyed looking at it. The costume and set people did a good job. But, the storyline is weak and confusing. I was unable to latch onto anything in any of the characters that interested me. I can't tell what the writers are trying to achieve. Is the goofy pilot is supposed to be goofy? If so, why was he chosen to fly this fabulous new plane? He does not seem like a suave competent pilot of the time, but more of a sophomoric present-day jock. The show is extremely self-glorifying in that it doesn't have the restraint to avoid reveling it's own retro-cool look. Remember, writers, in 1963, the characters can't know how they'll be viewed 50 years in the future... so no smirking.

There is plenty of opportunity to do something with a show about Pan Am, and if it were well done it would be fun to watch. Can it be fixed? Probably not with this crew of writers and actors. They should watch Mad Men more carefully and learn. It's not all about props.
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Pilots look like college sophomores
Igorpdx30 September 2011
As a retired international pilot at Trans World Airlines I was very disappointed in the casting of a cockpit crew which exhibited very unprofessional behavior on the flight deck and acted like silly fraternity boys. In the 1960's the pilot in command of an international flight was almost certainly a World War II veteran, often a chain smoker and a no nonsense type. John Wayne in the High and the Mighty looked much more like the old Captains.

In the Pan Am show the Captain made all the radio communications while flying the aircraft- a duty which the First Officer or the non flying pilot traditionally does. During takeoff all attention is given to the instruments and the aircraft. Pilots do not exchange gleeful looks with each other at such critical moments. They also do not ask Air Traffic Control or Gander Oceanic to find out from their company where their missing purser is. They would be laughed out of the sky.

No airline pilot would leave a layover hotel to look for his girlfriend in uniform. Pretty amateurish.

I did enjoy the footage of the great vintage aircraft. The rest was mindless soap opera material.
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