Ben Crompton credited as playing...
- Jay: You're giving me indigestion.
- Justin: Oh, sorry.
- Jay: Apology accepted.
- Justin: Sometimes God's love can be hard to swallow.
- Jay: Not as hard as a dinner plate.
- Justin: God loves you.
- Jay: Does he? Well, tell God from me if you're the kind of people he hangs about with, stay out of my way. No more guitar, mate. Not in restaurants. There is a time and a place. And your time and place is in a very isolated location, where no-one is likely to be for about a fucking hundred years. Ok? Because Jimmy Hendrix you ain't.
- Gal: Very sorry about my friend, please accept my most humble apologies. And if you are speaking to the big man, put a word in for us, will you? Get them all a drink, love. Double orange juices all around.