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Cabin Girl (2023) Poster


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Once you get past the 'Hipster' Vlog stuff, the movie is actually made quite well...
lathe-of-heaven2 June 2024
Basically that. I really don't care for films based upon the conceit of vlogs or online influencers and all the 'hip' comments and likes, etc. Just not my thing. BUT... once you get past all that, and I can see how it was somewhat integral to the story, the way the plot proceeds is actually done quite well.

The acting is excellent and the writing I feel was sharp. The reactions of the people helping here I thought were quite genuine. Usually in a film like this it is the poor acting that really kills it, but not in this case. At the beginning I admit I was FF it through all the YouTuber stuff, but when I got a ways into the story I slowed down and as I watched I did get more and more drawn into a rather strong Mystery of what the hell was happening.

It actually turned out to be a very good Psychological Thriller with good Horror elements. Like I say, MOST times with movies that try to do something like this, usually the acting/writing just isn't that good. But, in this case as the mystery drew you in deeper and deeper, I really found it quite gripping and very much intrigued to know what was going on.

So yeah, if you are like me and all the 'Hipster' online stuff makes your eyes roll back to the back of your head, stay with the story and you'll find that the original online conceit fades a bit more into the background as the actual story of what is truly happening becomes more apparent.

I'm glad I stayed with it, even after rolling my eyes and FF the movie a few times at the beginning, because at the end I felt it was actually a very clever idea and that the filmmakers did a very good job in putting it together, along with quality acting throughout. If you like a good mystery and if you can get through the first 15-20 minutes or so, once the 'accident' happens, from that point on I think you may very well find this quite an engaging and mysterious Thriller.
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Not what I expected
simonejohnson-1246915 August 2023
After reading reviews, the film sounded pretty decent.

When I saw the star rating, I thought, well, most horror movies don't always get a good rating, so I never really trust the ratings.

This film was definitely not what I expected.

Did have a good twist, but it was very average.

I wouldn't say this was scare whatsoever.

The storyline is average too.

Would I recommend this?

Probably not. It's the kind of film where you watch it, think.. "er, well, it's ok" but it's not something I'd watch again, nor will I probably remember.

The sad thing is, is that this film could have been so much better if it was written a bit better.

I just feel like the whole thing "could have been better".
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She Goes, it Follows
rohanumpleby-3405726 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Now I am split on this film, as on the one hand I like how it's simple and effective, yet think to myself it could have been better as a higher budget film. As I think the acting would of been better and I see it working, like a Cake rather then a pancake. You take a pancake and it is flat, you take a cake and it rises. Like Rise as in it was a success! Odd comparison but I think the horror aspects would of been better. And more scary scenes. But I like the product that we got. I think the film has a lot of charming moments that help it to stand out, and I'd be lying to you if I said I didn't find it interesting. So make yourself a Cuppa and have a biscuit and enjoy my review. Hopefully it'll tempt you to watch the film, but probably not. No definitely not.

The Characters,

Or should I say Character. Ava who is the main character as we follow her on her journey in a weird and wacky life with unexpected turn of events. At first everything starts off rather ordinary. We see that she is a vlogger. And she likes living in a small house. And she vloggs whenever she's in the house, or out the house. And then a bit more vlogging! She on her bike, yeah you can probably guess what she was doing, oh waitt! No yeah she was vlogging! And then meets a person who fixes tires. She has a flat tire so he offers to fix it. And I love the fact she has these creepy flash backs. That was cool, made me invested as to what was going to happen. Let's talk about the plot.


A vlogger moves into a small house with a dark past. She goes and investigates the strange town where she notices a grave stone. She on the other hand doesn't notice that she has a stalker! Hence the reason for the title. She also gets strange flash backs. I like the simple plot as it makes the movie simple to follow. It is well structured. I do have to admit, the pacing of the story isn't the best but I like the fact that the story is sentered around a character. And the character doesn't make dumb decisions like most horror stories nowadays. So that is a positive for the film. Now going to talk about the Music.


Very good eerie and creepy immersive Music. It makes the story intense and exciting. And the slower beat of the music with the story for me works well. As it slowly builds up to the horror elements which I love. And I feel with more of a budget they could develop the story and the Characters. Creating some more horror elements. Which I think would really be beneficial. But Like I said previously the story isn't bad as such. And the Music is the best part. Now time for the set Designs.

Set Designs,

As a low-budget film I think as far as costumes go it's up there with the best. I think it's well colour coded. Dark creating more of a intense and atmospheric story. And the Design on the creepy ghostly figure who also follows Ava has also got a dark design. Which works well within a Horror story. Effects aren't bad either. And from the movie you cannot tell that it's a low budget film because the story has some good effects. Now time for the Verdict. The bit you've all been waiting for.


5/10 Simple, not bad short horror story. I would recommend it mostly for the Music. And Hope u enjoyed my review, and do enjoy your Cuppa. Yeah actually I had a good old Cuppa too!
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A Somewhat Basic, But Enjoyable Supernatural Thriller.
meddlecore14 July 2023
I was pleasantly surprised by this film.

Being a TubiTV Original, and all...I expected it to be far worse than it is.

It's actually quite an engaging little film.

One that's simple, yet effective.

In it, we find ourselves following a young social media influencer, who has taken up the van life.

Only to leave it behind, when she finds an affordable cabin, in a remote, rural town.

However, it turns out that the cabin has a dark past.

Which she's driven to know...for the views.

Only to find out she's asking questions, she might not be ready to face the answers to.

To keep things interesting, they add in a bit of a twist, and some misdirection.

Which gives the film an air of mystery.

Although it's more of a supernatural thriller than it is a horror.

It's definitely worth watching.

Especially compared to a lot of the other original films that TubiTV has to offer.

Even if it is a bit basic.

3.5 out of 10.
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Out of the van, into the cabin
BandSAboutMovies12 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ava Robbins (Rose Lane Sanfilippo) is a social media influencer who has moved from #vanlife to #cabinlife as she settles in a small town. An accident has left her unable to drive for several months, so she's putting up roots, getting to know the cute local mechanic Kellen (Austin Scott) and oh yeah, getting obsessed and eventually haunted by Hannah Granger, the witch who has become an urban legend in the region where she's trying to make her home.

The entire time that Ava is trying to make a new life, she's haunted by a man in another van who keeps stalking her, getting closer by the second. She's also investigating the haunted Granger family, even going as far as to go to an asylum and try to meet with Elijah Granger (Brian James Fitzpatrick), who has survived shooting off most of his face and brain with a shotgun.

Ava gradually -- well, until one part -- becomes an unstable narrator. That part would be after she finally hooks up with Kellen and the movie looks at its run time and says, "Let's just hurry this up" and Ava makes a character leap into insanity. I blame the Ouija board, as I always do. Just leave those things in the box.

Closer to an f-giallo than a horror movie, Cabin Girl finally comes together in the end but it's the kind of closure that I can see some members of its audience not being all that happy with.

This was directed by Jon D. Wagner and written by Leslie Beaumont and Rory James Wood. It's certainly looks better than many streaming movies, has an interesting twist and man, there's a disquieting moment of gore near the ending that made my hand hurt.
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She's a witch
nogodnomasters3 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Chipper Ava Robbins (Rose Lane Sanfilippo) starts a travel vlog as "Van Girl" following the death of her parents. She gains a following and before the end of the credits she has stopped posting. She had an accident with the van, hitting a deer. She had a bad head injury and buys a cabin nearby that needs to be fixed up. It was owned by Hannah Granger, either a murder or a suicide victim. She believes Hannah is trying to tell her the name of her killer while Ava becomes more aggressive. We also see that she has a serious stalker (Michael Rispoli) who is trying to locate her.

We see Ava having a slow descent into madness as the plot reveals itself. There is a large unexplained plot hole. What happened to the body of the "deer" she hit?

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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No one's to blame?
begob29 August 2023
After a highway accident during a road trip to get over the death of her parents, a travel-vlogger restarts her channel from a cabin she's decided to settle down in. But is the previous resident really gone?

Lively start, ends up a mess. The motivations of the characters are inept, not only at the highest level involving the trauma of the protagonist, but at the mid-level in the way others become involved with her, down to the most basic level of why characters move around in a scene.

What on earth has the death of her parents got to do with the story? Or the death of the previous occupant? Why on earth is there a romance with the mechanic? How on earth does she plot-point-alert bump into the doctor and the bar owner when she's going away from the van that she was just walking toward? It's like things just happen 'for reasons'. To put it another way, the action does not flow from specific motivation; rather, motivation is tacked on to the action so that you feel the director's hand.

The production values are mostly not bad, and I admit that I had a sense that the endless Nancy Drew cliches were a trail of symbols that would lead to a bizarre reveal of the character's psychology. But in the end it feels like a child showing you a colour-by-numbers picture plastered with crazy crayon.

The editing declines in quality, with too much footage of how a character gets from point A to point B, and repetition of shots that don't tell us anything new - particularly of the stalker, and that damn floorboard. The spooky bits ain't all that, with no feel for shadow and the music too obvious. Add in some flabby dialogue, and it's no wonder some of the performances are less than convincing.

I kinda liked the song over the end credits, but ... no - somebody is to blame.
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arfdawg-118 July 2023
It's a thoroughly horrible film featuring and unlikeable, cloying, lead character who can't act to save her life.

There is no real story. At least not one that you'd be interested in following. It's also ridiculously poorly directed with constant cuts to the bad actor and a young deer in her dreams. Who cares? It's disjointed at best.

And boring. Really, really boring. Iwas beside myself.

The exposition is insufferably slow, long, and tedious.

In the end, I didnt care one bit about the lead or the story.

She was truly horrible in the role and not believable in the slightest. And the movie was just as bad.
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Van Girl Should Keep Her Eyes on the Road
oliviaczar6 August 2023
Ava Robbins, a vlogger known as "Van Girl", vanishes under mysterious circumstances from the public eye following a deer-related accident, only to reemerge post-hiatus as "cabin girl," seemingly happy to trade her van lifestyle for a serene cabin existence. Nevertheless, Ava's once-upbeat influencer life takes a dark turn as she encounters paranormal hauntings and a very human threat in the form of a shady stalker. Her gradual spiral into paranoia makes her hostile towards those around her, until the pieces finally fall into place after the one hour run-time.

It's slow, a little boring and difficult to root for Ava, especially for the first hour; but the good music and cinematography of nature in the small town makes it bearable. Best to watch with low expectations and without any spoilers!
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fatfil-414-4517971 March 2024
So, the premise of the movie is a woman who runs a blog from her camper van takes up residence in a cabin, and becomes obsessed with the story of a local girl who took her own life close to the cabin.

My main issue with this movie was that there are so many jarring moments and changes in direction, that make the whole thing feel disjointed, like three or four stories going on at the same time, and it leaps from one narrative to another.

Yes, there is an underlying story, but it is lost in the confusion of trying to distract the viewer away from the truth. If I was to watch the opening and closing scenes side by side, it would be hard to believe they were from the same movie.
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Old-School, and good!
scott-frazelle17 July 2023
In an age of meta, self-aware, and overly-layered 'horror' films, Cabin Girl is a nice example of doing the basics (good writing, good acting, good execution) the best you can first, and getting an engaging, titillating film.

Certainly more thriller than horror, Cabin Girl works in Hitchcockian fashion, focusing on real dramas that play out between real characters. It's kind of a secret weapon that many filmmakers have forgotten, that audiences can't help but be engaged with relatable characters, the choices they make, and the results they must contend with.

Great performances by Rose Lane Sanfilippo and Austin Scott, looking like both are ready to become household names. Deft execution with the camera reminds us that it's an effective tool.

Good watch from beginning to end!
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How is Tubi making better movies than Netflix?
lbz_197918 July 2023
Netflix movies have A list stars and 100 to 200 million dollar budgets. Tubi movies cast complete unknowns, character actors and C listers with budgets under a million dollars. Don't get me wrong, Tubi makes some real turds but they also make some above average movies like this one while Netflix continues to make dreck like Red Notice, Bright, Bird Box, etc.

This movie is well written and well directed. The lisp of the main actress was a little annoying, but other than that she was quite good, effectively portraying a woman losing her sanity. The male lead was very good and has a great onscreen presence. This movie is helped immensely by three very good character actors, Tergeson, Rispoli, and Weixler. Character actors like these deserve more praise in Hollywood.

This is a quick 80 minute watch that never bores and has a nice little twist at the end. Keep it up Tubi.
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Better than i expected!
TheDonkadonk24 July 2023
You think it's gonna be a typical boring vlogging social media horror at first, but i actually twigged onto some decent acting from the lead girl early on, perfect for the role and i was impressed at how she took to it.

Although i will say the mechanic could of been better casted.

Plot was good! Background music was spot on during some scenes.

It keeps you guessing as to what's going on which keeps you watching. I won't give any spoilers but i think Cabin Girl 2 should be made, as long as the script can evolve the story and you keep the lead, make it more sinister and disturbing and you'll have a really good franchise on your hands.

I'm thinking prequel sequel to be honest.
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Pleasantly surprised, an easy watch.
dschmerr26 July 2023
I'm not a huge movie buff, although the genre that typically garners my attention are horror/thriller films. My favorite films are Anti-Christ and the Hellraisers. I can't say that this film depicts either of those styles a lot, although there is a darker-themed story behind it all to keep me intrigued.

Cabin Girl does a great job at keeping you guessing at who is the "bad guy" in the film. There are just enough questions raised during the film that make you second guess your answer on the meaning/intention of the movie.

I really liked the actor who played the mechanic. Seemed genuine in his love/affection for the Cabin Girl.

I think a 2nd viewing would be worth while to tie any loose ends and to see if everything matches up to the 2nding. I probably will do so in the next few months. Worth a watch for sure.
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A Cabin Girl In The Woods
ladymidath10 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I think Tubi is starting to give the paid streaming services a run for their money. Cabin Girl is a taunt thriller/horror about a young vlogger who after an accident decides to settle in a cabin after retiring from #vanlife.

I am not going to give too much away as this is something you need to watch for yourself.

Suffice to say, this is a great mystery horror that has some great moments in it. The story clips along at a steady pace without dragging too much in the middle like so many of these movies have a tendency to do. It does have a nice, is she really seeing this? Vibe and the ending was something I did not see coming.

The acting is good and even though the main protagonist can be a little irritating, you still become invested in what she is going through.

Also, who is the stalker and what does he want? All this is tied up quite nicely at the end.

I do recommend this movie as even though it is done on a budget, it still entertaining.
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A fun enough if somewhat flawed indie effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder6 December 2023
Trying to improve her mental health, a woman vlogging her experiences traveling around the country decides to take a vacation at a remote cabin in the woods where she can continue her journey, but the more she stays the more she's convinced someone is haunting the cabin trying to uncover a shocking secret.

Overall, there's a lot to like with this one. Among the better features of this one is the solid and highly enjoyable setup that makes for a highly effective chamber piece to play out. The opening introduction to her life and career, vlogging the experiences she has out on the road traveling around the country and seeing new people as a means of helping her cope with everything going on around her which leads nicely into the ditching of the van for the cabin lifestyle and what transpires there. Getting enough hints of something having happened at the location with the brief bit involving the girls' accident at the location previously and the sudden bits of content through freaky hallucinations or ghostly whispers, there's a genuinely solid starting point at play here to give everything a credible enough opening to things. That allows the film to get quite enjoyable as it goes along which develops into the investigation of the ghost. As the incidents start to get more intense leading to the quest to find out what happened to her and even bringing her friend into the situation, this one moves into an entirely enjoyable series of confrontations based on the unraveling mystery that's slowly going in a different direction than expected as it brings about a newfound intrigue over the origin of the accident. It leads incredibly well into the finale where the series of reveals about what's been going on that signals into the crazed finale that has quite a bit to like here with a fantastic twist reveal that's slightly obvious but is still integrated well with some fun reveals. These are enough to make for a fun time although the film does have some issues that hold it down. The biggest drawback here is the generally lackluster pacing that comes into play once she arrives at the cabin and starts looking into the history of the ghost. A lot of this is necessary with the way this starts to build to the twist revealed in the end, there's still no reason for the pacing to slow to a crawl during these scenes of looking at newspaper clippings, investigating the residents of the town or hanging around the cabin hallucinating about the ghost. It holds up a lot of the pacing by not having a lot of ghost action either which is the other factor against this one as the whole idea of the ghost trying to bring about the awareness of its death means it doesn't actively terrorize or kill others so these areas are what bring this one down.

Rated Unrated/R: Violence and Language.
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Solid thriller, appealing on many fronts
bassisttrollf16 July 2023
Cabin Girl is a well crafted thriller that has some very scary moments. It delivers an emotional punch that is unexpected for a movie that exploits some conventional horror movie tropes. The depiction of van life and the social media community surrounding it is both believable and sympathetic. The female lead is very appealing and was portrayed as a strong, independent woman. All the actors deliver solid performances. The film will keep you on the edge of your seat. Overall, it has excellent production values for an independent film. Keep the windows closed and the lights on. It kept me awake all night.
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Interesting Twist on Supernatural Found Footage
jmbovan-47-16017319 September 2024
Cabing Girl follows Van Girl, a vlogger who tracked her travels in her van after her parents die. She switches to a cabin after she has an accident involving a deet and has a resulting head injury. As she settles into life in a fixer-up cabin in an isolated rural small town. Then, weirdness starts happening.

While this film as a slower pace, and lots of sunlight that can be confusing for a typical found footage films, Cabin Girl is a slowburn that explores the main character's experience of supernatural phenomenon and symptoms of her head trauma. This makes for confusing viewing as the watcher isn't certain what is happening. Add in a potential stalker, and Cabin Girl had me guessing on my red herrings.

Easy to watch with decent performances by the actors. Plotting and script are okay but not advanced. Overall, it made for decent viewing.
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Compelling thriller with social themes
nicholassampogna17 July 2023
Like other indie thrillers (like "Get Out") I liked how this film was one storyline on the surface but with a simmering subtext and social commentary beneath. Makes for a richer movie-watching experience and one that stays with you after the credits are done. Especially in the age of social media, user generated content and all the ways it can be used wrong, this was like a cautionary tale for social media fandom. Like something you might be in an episode of "Black Mirror."

For the filmmakers, the direction and editing did a good job keeping the suspense present while paying tribute to the genre. And the lead actress was quite capable. A good watch and I'm happy to have uncovered a treasure trove of genre films like this on Tubi!
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Thriller worth watching
mikemilillo21 July 2023
I didn't have much of an expectation when I started Cabin Girl, but was pleasantly surprised by this thriller as the story unfolded. The first ten minutes of the film drew me in with the social media aspect. A girl on the road alone in an old VW van, blogging about her adventures as she went from town to town searching for her purpose in life, and documenting her travels. And her followers that either loved or trolled her. The plot continued to unfold nicely and was supported by competent actors. I liked the way the director shot it, and the DP lit it, adding tension throughout. I will definitely recommend this movie to friends that like this genre.
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Super Relevant and Scary as Hell
taradelfino17 July 2023
This movie will keep you on the edge of your seat. I think I jumped at least three times. I stupidly watched this movie ALONE like an unseasoned thrill seeker ! Love to be scared but never watch alone esp this one ! Cabin Girl will keep you guessing until the bitter end and will haunt you the whole ride . I was genuinely freaked out . Next time , will watch with my troops for some protection lol Star Role actress was incredibly likable and watchable ons screen . Must research about new actress playing Ava . Definitely an upcoming star to watch out for ! Really loved the chemistry between Ava and the mechanic ! Ouchhhhh... can't stop thinking about a certain part of the movie . You MUST " CABIN GIRL" with someone . You have been warned.
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Modern twist on suspense and giallo
rdsampogna21 July 2023
I appreciate any filmmaker who takes the risk to modernize the craft. This movie is definitely a modern approach to the psychological mystery genre which is fun to see in indie films because they get super creative with storytelling devices like using social media. But I thought the combination of horror, suspense, the shadowy camera work with a bit of a supernatural feel, the eerie music... it all felt very elevated and held my attention while the story unfolded. It had touches of slasher movies without leaning too much into gore, and surprisingly had common themes to giallo films that aren't super mainstream. Definitely recommend this for those who enjoy suspense!
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Edge of your seat thriller!
jbarbieri-296912 August 2023
Cabin Girl was a great film discovery. This movie was engaging on so many levels- well written, believable characters and suspense from beginning to end. Rose Sanfilippo's portrayal of Ava was very relatable in this climate of influencers and Vloggers, and her obvious personality changes and anxious feelings made for a true psychological thriller.

The many twists throughout the film kept me on the edge of my seat, and Michael Rispoli always delivers an amazing performance, and really showcases his range in this role.

Don't pass up this Tubi original... Cabin Girl will definitely make you sleep with the lights on!
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Awesome Indie Mystery
erintschmerr20 August 2023
My favorite show of all time is the old 1950/1960 Twilight Zone. Every episode is well written, unsettling, and reveals something about human nature that makes the audience reflect deeper. This movie reminded me of that formula from start to finish. It wasn't as much "scary" as it was unsettling. I genuinely couldn't guess some of the twists in the plot. It left me thinking about the movie long afterwards and how our human nature is reflected in the film. Who is the real villain? This is the question you'll ask yourself through the entirety of the movie. I definitely recommend you give it a watch!
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Cabin Girl: A Riveting Mystery Unveiled
tjstins6 October 2023
Cabin Girl delivers an enthralling mystery that captivated me from start to finish. The film skillfully unravels its secrets, leaving you empathizing with the characters and immersing yourself in their emotional journey. Notably, Rose Lane Sanfilippo's exceptional performance as the main character adds depth and authenticity to the film.

One of the standout aspects of Cabin Girl is its compelling mystery, which unfolds gradually, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. The film masterfully crafts suspenseful moments that build tension and curiosity. As the story progresses, the layers of the mystery are peeled away, revealing a web of interconnected individuals, each burdened with their own secrets. This intricate storytelling kept me engaged and eager to uncover the truth.

Moreover, Cabin Girl effectively evokes empathy for the characters involved. The emotional journey experienced by the protagonists tugs at the heartstrings, making their dilemmas and conflicts deeply relatable. Rose Lane Sanfilippo's portrayal of the main character is a standout performance. Her ability to convey the raw emotions her character experiences is truly remarkable. Whether it's fear, anguish, or determination, Sanfilippo's talent shines through, allowing viewers to empathize with her character's plight.

In addition to its compelling story and strong performances, Cabin Girl offers a thrilling scare factor. The film incorporates well-executed suspenseful scenes that send shivers down your spine. The atmospheric setting of the cabin adds to the overall sense of unease, creating a chilling backdrop for the unfolding events. These moments of terror contribute to the film's overall impact and make it an exhilarating viewing experience.

Cabin Girl is a must-watch for fans of mystery, horror and suspense. Its intricate storytelling, coupled with Rose Lane Sanfilippo's outstanding performance, elevates the film to great heights. The movie successfully combines elements of mystery, emotion, and scares, leaving a lasting impression on its audience. Get ready to be enthralled by the unfolding of this captivating tale.
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