I can admire the courage of an Arab director to make a film that not only specifically reflects on gay relationships and gay sex, but this even glorifies and all over the movie pretty graphically shows with ample naked male skin. For this alone he deserves praise and support.
But to be honest: I personally didn't find the chosen form very involving. Maybe one could call it eclectic, but to me it seemed like an incoherent hotchpotch of styles and cinematographical whims: animations, colorful graphics, stills, people at the oddest times bursting into singing, guys making out in two- and threesomes, and especially endlessly babbling with each other, about.... well, about what? It's all intended (I guess) as sharing life experiences and drawing profound conclusions, but it never in any way reached my heart or brain (and being gay, I sincerely started watching with a totally open mind!).
Since any serious narrative is absent (at least, I didn't see it), what remains is a rather tiresome succession of anecdotical scenes and visual bits and pieces, like an Arabic-spoken ADHD-version of Bidgood's Pink Narcissus. It lasts only 60 minutes, but still felt overlong and over-arty, on the brink of pretentious.
But hey, I guess it's me, I probably missed tons of metaphors or am simply not appreciative enough. And as I said: kudos for the guts of mister Shawky Hassan.