127 reviews
Julie Chen leads off each discussion with embarrassingly shallow and juvenile questions, as though she is targeting the uneducated and the best of mediocre Junior High students. Other than this the discussions do have merits.
Curiosity is why I tune in, self-dignity is why I turn it off. If well begun is half done, poorly begun is why I run, screaming for my life back.
As an Executive Producer, I am surprised that Sarah Gilbert puts up with this. She seems very intelligent and one would think she would also be cringing in her seat listening to such childish dribble.
Curiosity is why I tune in, self-dignity is why I turn it off. If well begun is half done, poorly begun is why I run, screaming for my life back.
As an Executive Producer, I am surprised that Sarah Gilbert puts up with this. She seems very intelligent and one would think she would also be cringing in her seat listening to such childish dribble.
- zoocar-35505
- Oct 21, 2015
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I used to enjoy the Talk because they stayed out of partisan politics for the most part, but with the addition of new liberal "journalist" host Elaine Welteroth, the entire cast has all now gone full liberal, and the show is unwatchtable, as The View is, and has been for a long time. Was a fan, but will not watch ever again.
- jimvenema-14864
- Jan 11, 2021
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I liked the show when Aisha, Sara Gilbert, Jule Chen, Eve, Marie Osmond, Sharon Osborne were on but could never stand the untalented Sheryl Underwood who quotes Jesus on one hand and is gross and disgusting the next minute. She is deplorable. In 2021, they have tried to salvage this mess with Jerry O,Connell , Amanda Kloots Cancel the damn show, but for everyone's delight get rid of Underwood- The show does not work with these lightweights. Natalie Morales is no Julie Chen. Jerry O'Connell gives creepy pervert vibes. I can't watch it now.
- cockezville
- Jul 29, 2021
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I was very disappointed in the hosts. They need to realize that their continued questioning of "What was running down Cristina's leg" was little more than bullying. They would be the first ones to condemn this as cruel and malicious "news" reporting had it been said about someone they cared for. I thought these ladies were there to bring upbeat topics to their listeners not further humiliate someone already hearing about this from all angles. Shame on you!
For the most part I enjoy the show. I did like Robin and thought she brought much to the show. I was very surprised that she was not brought back. Leah could be a bit annoying at times, but then most of the hosts have had their moments.
For the most part I enjoy the show. I did like Robin and thought she brought much to the show. I was very surprised that she was not brought back. Leah could be a bit annoying at times, but then most of the hosts have had their moments.
I am so sad what this has become, Sheryl Underwood you are a Hypocrite, real friends don't do this to friends what happened to freedom of speech i see its only people of color have that right now we want be watching the talk no more, Mrs O is a sweet lady, shame on you Sheryl under.
- roycemichaelhall
- Mar 28, 2021
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After the recent activity that went on, I honestly believe the show SHOULD BE CANCELLED! In my opinion, it is getting to be more and more like "The View" with the b****ing, moaning, and the hateful name-calling! It is getting to be unwatchable and not very family-friendly!
- davidwhite-92978
- Mar 17, 2021
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This show is awful. These women seem to have nothing better to do than attack and judge other people and somehow get the ratings. Ms. Gilbert is arrogant and pompous. I am still stunned by what she did to Roseanne Barr, not to mention she used her show as a platform to further diminish and destroy the woman who made her who she is today. Just a horrible way to use your success and fame. I would not recommend getting sucked into a show with a group of caddy, biased, and obviously uniformed women.
This is the worst talk show ever. Uneducated, bias, ignorant hosts. The show should have been cancelled years ago.
- Bfeins5110
- Mar 25, 2021
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An already poorly run show now unsurprisingly falls in line with the cancel culture agenda.
- billmarchio
- Mar 26, 2021
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The opinions expressed on this show are very narrow minded. With the exception of Sheryl and Sharon, it seems to be a "my way or the highway" mentality. A shame...because it could be a great show if the ideals were more diverse.
- kellymikel
- Sep 19, 2018
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I watch the Talk almost everyday, but I have to say I'm disappointed in all the talk of race. On the show on 2/16/2012 they brought up commercials with Beyonce and Jennifer Lopes in them and took the commercial out of context to make it a race issue. They mentioned that on the commercial Beyonce is African American, American Indian and French, and Jennifer Lopez was Porto Rican. The commercial was about make up, and how it would cover any skin type. This is not a racial issue. They asked the stars what nationality they were and they told them. It was information only. The stars, I'm sure, wouldn't have done the commercial if they thought it was racial. If Jennifer Lopez wants to say she is Porto Rican, then she can say that. Who are you to dispute this? You group of woman made this commercial racist. Very few people would look at this commercial and think it was racial. They are trying to promote a product that works for all skin tone. So is saying skin tone racist too? It's programs like yours and the media that make everything a racial issue. I will not be watching The Talk again!
- grammyteen
- Oct 5, 2021
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Not much to say, considering there have only been a few episodes. I love Sharon, Leah and Sara. Holly is growing on me. Marissa hasn't been there enough for me to decide about her. The only one I can't figure out is Julie Chen. I hate "Big Brother" and shows like it, so I am having a hard time trying to relate to her. She just doesn't seem like talk show material.
Thank goodness this isn't a giant whine-fest like The View. Too many hens in the hen house on that other show. I'm hoping this is more matter-of-fact and less gossipy.
There is potential, here.
Thank goodness this isn't a giant whine-fest like The View. Too many hens in the hen house on that other show. I'm hoping this is more matter-of-fact and less gossipy.
There is potential, here.
I have only watched this show once but was so appalled by it that I needed to review it. The women basically addressed a series of 'news stories', two of which were about Kardashians, and were so elitist- "if you don't like screaming kids on a plane, fly private", "I am worried that other celebrities will be targeted now that Kanye paid the guy he beat up"- or idiotic, that I can't believe that anyone who is not a rich, stupid celebrity would ever watch this offensive drivel. Why is it on the air? why is Sharon Osbourne famous? Do they hate ordinary people? do they consider themselves that much better than everyone else? Hated it.
- andrealow8
- Mar 14, 2014
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I'm rather disappointed, though not surprised, that 4-5 women that have rich husbands and nothing better to do with their time could only come up with a show like this, and have it aired. I came downstairs to find the TV on with this show, and the opening topic of discussion is the Arizona governor's finger in President Obama's face. Why is this so important? Is this some sort of act to have females pretend that they're being informed while the commercials are rolling on Lifetime? It really doesn't matter who gets fired and swapped out for whichever other faux 'important' celebrity because they basically talk about nothing. If I wanted to hear a few rambling women jibbar jabber about trivial nonsense while they interject with their unqualified and uninformed opinions on things I would go down to an IHOP or hang around a local church. It doesn't need to be a television program wasting space.
- turdbanner
- Jan 25, 2012
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I didn't know Leah and Holly had been fired. I kept watching and there were different people. At first I thought Leah and Holly were on vacation or an assignment but when I found out they were never coming back and were actually fired! I stopped watching. Julie is annoying and the only reason that dumb show Big Brother is still on is because she's married to the boss. I don't know a soul who watches it. Now Julie has ruined the talk by firing two of the best host, because Sarah's too quiet, Sharon to whiny and Julie's just a plain snobby bore. They need to take the show off the air along with Big Brother. Leah was always funny and opinionated and so was Holly. They made the show.
- randyb55-1
- Oct 5, 2011
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I've been watching the talk show since Julie was the host. I really enjoyed the show then. Now the show is way too political & I am so tired of Mrs O & the boring co hosts. I'm no longer interested in tuning in to this show.
- callahan-282-839838
- Feb 1, 2012
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What a mess!!! Sharon has a different opinion than her friend and it's okay to be friends with Piearce. He is just that a friend!!! Friends do not influence my opinion of others and my beliefs. I am who I am. Sharon should have stayed on the show. Totally believe it was a set up.
- paulieopelousas
- Apr 20, 2021
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First you get rid of Marie Osmond, then Sharon Osbourne...you have lost me viewing your talk show.
- debbiescott-99724
- Apr 26, 2021
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I was at my sisters place trapped into watching this crap. Celebrities talking about celebrities. How annoying. It has inspired me to get home and cancel cable. No TV is worth supporting these types of shows. It was embarrassing to sit there and be tortured. Who writes this stuff? Please beam me up Scotty. I'm glad to see there is hope as lots of horrible reviews. No redeeming value whatsoever! Promoting all kind of baloney products that people do not need in any way shape or form. I can't wait to leave her place and get my sanity back. Thank you for listening to my rant. It just confirms my need to quit watching much of this crap.
- lynncalvin-68253
- Jun 21, 2023
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I started watching The Talk on semi-regular basis (I have daytime things to do). Hated Sharon Osborne's arrogance. I'm watching more now and enjoying it a lot more. I don't always agree with the panels opinion, but at least understand it's about more than "I'm someone special so I rule". Like it more now, especially with today's episode where time was spent remembering an executive producer who died recently. The memories were very personal and touching. How very kind and especially how very human.
Usually a quick mention is all you get. No background, no humanity. This segment was very human. Loved it.
Usually a quick mention is all you get. No background, no humanity. This segment was very human. Loved it.
- rosiesgrand
- Sep 18, 2022
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Sad but needed. They all contributed to their failing. Amanda and the other girl was doing other things and gone a lot, Sheryl should have never been kept on. She wouldn't even welcome the audience. Wear different shoes if that is her excuse, they pay your salary. Akbar isn't interesting, stay in sports you don't know much else. Jerry is a goof ball, people got sick of his childish ways and stories about his twins. I'm sure the twins didn't appreciate it either. He is on his way out period, that kind of childish behavior doesn't work anymore, I hope he has saved his money, he is going to need it. I'm out.
- nannalove-45032
- Sep 8, 2024
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I always loved to watch The Talk. Hated when I missed it. Now I turn the channel right away. I don't like one of the new ladies. I don't like her attitude. She just not fit with the rest of the other wonderful ladies. Sometimes I can see the regulars just looking at her when she gets on a rant. Let's not even talk about her clothes!!! And she's supposed to be a fashion expert! What???? Hopefully she will go soon so I can go back to watching everyday. Now the other newbie is alright. I enjoy her, she seems to connect with Carrie, Sharon and Cheryl. I never heard of her before the talk had her on when her husband was sick. But she will grow on me.
This is just my opinion. But I'm sure their are others who feel the same way.
Let this season be over soon!
- janpalbeat-17759
- Mar 7, 2021
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