According to cinematographer Tom Agnello,actors David Dastmalchian and Jeremy Luke had to be restrained from attacking writer/director Kamal Ahmed when he refused to buy them a "Happy Meal" in a local McDonald's. This incident was called "The McDonald's incident" by the crew.
Peter Greene met Writer/Director Kamal Ahmed many years ago in Brooklyn while filming LAWS OF GRAVITY. Kamal owned a pizzeria and Peter is seen eating a slice of Kamal's pizza in that film.
Writer/Director Kamal Ahmed was a big fan of David Dastmalchian's work from several comedic commercials David did. When Ahmed saw David's role in the DARK KNIGHT playing one of the Joker's demented sidekicks,Ahmed knew David was right for the lead in 1000 TIMES MORE BRUTAL.
Writer/Director Kamal Ahmed shot the bocce ball scene in his hometown of Astoria, Queens.
Actor Angelo Bonsignore contributed mightily to the making of 1000 TIMES MORE BRUTAL by securing locations in and around the Bensonhurst,Brooklyn area according to writer/Director Ahmed.