5 reviews
Seen better on pornhub. What were they thinking making this. It's literally porn with a bit more dialogue.
The actors do a good job, but that doesn't make the movie worth seeing. Attempts are made to play with fears, but this seems artificial and unrealistic. Stylized self-determination as something wicked forbidden. Boring and stuffy.
Wow this is not a good movie. It's ridiculously slow.
There is lots -- and I mean lots of nudity. Some down right bordering on hardcore (some might think it's hardcore, btw).
None of it helps forward the plot really. It's just there for the prurient interest.
The main female lead has a nice enough body to look at, but a very harsh face.
I think the issue is, it's hard to make an enjoyable movie of this ilk in Europe. They are too existential and actually like being bored to tears by poor directing and ad nauseam pontificating. How about getting to the point?
BTW, they never explain where she's going to the toilet trapped in that cinder block room day after day.
There is lots -- and I mean lots of nudity. Some down right bordering on hardcore (some might think it's hardcore, btw).
None of it helps forward the plot really. It's just there for the prurient interest.
The main female lead has a nice enough body to look at, but a very harsh face.
I think the issue is, it's hard to make an enjoyable movie of this ilk in Europe. They are too existential and actually like being bored to tears by poor directing and ad nauseam pontificating. How about getting to the point?
BTW, they never explain where she's going to the toilet trapped in that cinder block room day after day.
I came across this DVD while visiting the Netherlands. The sleeve of the DVD looked promising and it was filed in the shop under 'horror'. But I can't really classify it under that label. There are of course some scary moments but there's more going on. I guess that the director Stephan Brenninkmeijer had some kind of Giallo in mind. This is more a whodunit then a horror.
Why I do refer to the giallo's is because in the torture room he used saturated green and purple lights. Reminded me of Suspiria. But the movie had on problem. There's a bit too much of talking going on especially when Stella (Chantal Demming) is visiting Mike (Victor Reinier). It's more about her past life then what is happening when she's caged.
I can't classify it with Amer (2009) or Les nuits rouges du bourreau de jade (2009), 2 Belgium Giallo's. Therefore it should have some more red stuff in it. But what this flick do offers in stead of 'nederhorror' is a lot of nudity. Sometimes it's close to explicit sex. Chantal Demming comes really close to soft core. She's almost nude all the times. In fact, all the girls in this soft core movie goes full frontal. There are a lot of close ups of pubic hair and shaving. One scene even got some actual sucking by Chantal.
The weirdest thing for me was that you see actors that I knew from Dutch series like Westenwind and Baantjer going in their nudies. Strange that it didn't had any subtitles, how can it be sold outside the Netherlands? I saw the uncut version but if it will be sold in the UK for example it will be heavily cut due the nudity scene's. Still, I kept watching to know who was behind the 'cage'.
Gore 0/5 Nudity 4/5 Effects 0/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
Why I do refer to the giallo's is because in the torture room he used saturated green and purple lights. Reminded me of Suspiria. But the movie had on problem. There's a bit too much of talking going on especially when Stella (Chantal Demming) is visiting Mike (Victor Reinier). It's more about her past life then what is happening when she's caged.
I can't classify it with Amer (2009) or Les nuits rouges du bourreau de jade (2009), 2 Belgium Giallo's. Therefore it should have some more red stuff in it. But what this flick do offers in stead of 'nederhorror' is a lot of nudity. Sometimes it's close to explicit sex. Chantal Demming comes really close to soft core. She's almost nude all the times. In fact, all the girls in this soft core movie goes full frontal. There are a lot of close ups of pubic hair and shaving. One scene even got some actual sucking by Chantal.
The weirdest thing for me was that you see actors that I knew from Dutch series like Westenwind and Baantjer going in their nudies. Strange that it didn't had any subtitles, how can it be sold outside the Netherlands? I saw the uncut version but if it will be sold in the UK for example it will be heavily cut due the nudity scene's. Still, I kept watching to know who was behind the 'cage'.
Gore 0/5 Nudity 4/5 Effects 0/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
No pun intended - I am also not really a fan of torture ... well stuff. But this is not going down that road. No it actually is more about mental torture - and depraving a woman of her freedom. Trying to get into her head and make her ... well you'll understand once you watch the movie.
The movie that contains a lot of nudity. And even scenes that are not just borderline, but cross the border into explicit scenes. They are not here to be titilating for the viewer - and especially the oral sex scene with a fully erect penis, may not have been necessary ... but it is in the movie. It is also short (no pun intended) - and it is followed by something you may not quite like.
I imagine that some are able to figure out at least parts of the mystery - part of the puzzle. Why our main character is locked up. So maybe you are not as shocked at the end. Still it is something to behold ... and something crazy, if you actually think about it.
Very well played and also social commentary about how women are perceived, how they perceive themselves (reflecting on how they are being viewed and what they are supposed to be) ... of course it is not just a philosophical theme that runs through. That would be boring in a way. But it may give some people food for thought, how they view women and their sexual freedom and how they describe them ... and if that is actually necessary or helpful ...
The movie that contains a lot of nudity. And even scenes that are not just borderline, but cross the border into explicit scenes. They are not here to be titilating for the viewer - and especially the oral sex scene with a fully erect penis, may not have been necessary ... but it is in the movie. It is also short (no pun intended) - and it is followed by something you may not quite like.
I imagine that some are able to figure out at least parts of the mystery - part of the puzzle. Why our main character is locked up. So maybe you are not as shocked at the end. Still it is something to behold ... and something crazy, if you actually think about it.
Very well played and also social commentary about how women are perceived, how they perceive themselves (reflecting on how they are being viewed and what they are supposed to be) ... of course it is not just a philosophical theme that runs through. That would be boring in a way. But it may give some people food for thought, how they view women and their sexual freedom and how they describe them ... and if that is actually necessary or helpful ...