"Vigilant" is a short film that tells the story of Kevin, a dental hygienist addicted to Grabbles (an extremely unhealthy snack cake). Kevin decides to try to stop his struggle on his own, o... Read all"Vigilant" is a short film that tells the story of Kevin, a dental hygienist addicted to Grabbles (an extremely unhealthy snack cake). Kevin decides to try to stop his struggle on his own, only to discover the company that makes the cakes is malevolently intent on keeping him as ... Read all"Vigilant" is a short film that tells the story of Kevin, a dental hygienist addicted to Grabbles (an extremely unhealthy snack cake). Kevin decides to try to stop his struggle on his own, only to discover the company that makes the cakes is malevolently intent on keeping him as a loyal customer. He must enlist the help of a group of addiction survivors to help him fi... Read all