These people are truly delusional in their belief that karma is not equally as monstrous as Paul- she was an absolute monster who went in for her interviews trying to look as demure and innocent as possible, pulling the wool over these people's eyes. She was a willing participant in the horrendous acts, and the tapes are proof of that.
Stating some insipid comment about 'this is Canada, this type of thing doesn't happen here!', yet it does and still does. Making excuses for Leslie's mother LOCKING HER CHILD OUT OF THE HOUSE, excusing the Homulka parents for allowing this monster to live in the house when their child was under 18, when he was far older than her, 'oh he was so motivated and ambitious!!', yet he is living in your home with no job and no potential fora career ? Then allowing their 15 year old child to become so intoxicated, and what Paul AND KARLA did to her is blatantly evident on the tapes, while he was a welcome addition to the family?
Karla and Paul should have been thrown in the prison and left to rot. There's no rehabilitation for demonstrably evil people such as them- how these officers could have allowed this to continue unabated for so long, and having no clue how to go about an arrest. Given their atrocities in the Barry and Honey Sherman case, this should come as no surprise to anyone with two brain cells to rub together.
This retelling is insane- portraying Karla as some innocent with no clue is a travesty to the victims she readily participated in destroying, and these filmmakers should be ashamed.