59 reviews
Well, picking up where part 2 left you hanging, the 3rd installment of the "Ong Bak" movies was somewhat of a disappointment. Why? Well...
The storyline was almost non-existent, and whatever story was being told there was told in a really confusing and weird way, so it was difficult to make any sense of the movie.
It seemed like this was a showcase of how cool can we make Tony Jaa look? Let's put him in front of all these wonderful, beautiful scenic locations and have him work out his martial arts there. That was what most of the movie was about. Sure, the scenes were nice, and sure Tony Jaa sure knows how to fight and show it, but it is a very weak broth to make soup of.
The action and fight scenes were top of the line, as always with Tony Jaa movies. And there is something very dynamic and energetic to his movements and fighting style. So, if you like that, then this movie doesn't let you down in that department.
As for the acting? Well, not much of that actually going on here, to be honest. It is mostly just showing off Tony Jaa and have these really cool images of ancient Thai traditions shown off on the movie. Honestly, I liked seeing those cultural scenes, but again, not really something that can carry a movie.
I think "Ong Bak 3" is pretty much as weak as the 2nd part, except the story in this one is more confusing. They should have stopped after the original "Ong Bak" movie which was a blast of an action movie.
I was disappointed with this movie, and I was actually just sitting through it at the end to watch Tony Jaa fight and show what he can do. The movie lost me somewhere in the beginning already, because it was way too confusing and didn't really come together in a greater sense. Lots of action, but that is about it that this movie has to offer. Which is a shame.
The storyline was almost non-existent, and whatever story was being told there was told in a really confusing and weird way, so it was difficult to make any sense of the movie.
It seemed like this was a showcase of how cool can we make Tony Jaa look? Let's put him in front of all these wonderful, beautiful scenic locations and have him work out his martial arts there. That was what most of the movie was about. Sure, the scenes were nice, and sure Tony Jaa sure knows how to fight and show it, but it is a very weak broth to make soup of.
The action and fight scenes were top of the line, as always with Tony Jaa movies. And there is something very dynamic and energetic to his movements and fighting style. So, if you like that, then this movie doesn't let you down in that department.
As for the acting? Well, not much of that actually going on here, to be honest. It is mostly just showing off Tony Jaa and have these really cool images of ancient Thai traditions shown off on the movie. Honestly, I liked seeing those cultural scenes, but again, not really something that can carry a movie.
I think "Ong Bak 3" is pretty much as weak as the 2nd part, except the story in this one is more confusing. They should have stopped after the original "Ong Bak" movie which was a blast of an action movie.
I was disappointed with this movie, and I was actually just sitting through it at the end to watch Tony Jaa fight and show what he can do. The movie lost me somewhere in the beginning already, because it was way too confusing and didn't really come together in a greater sense. Lots of action, but that is about it that this movie has to offer. Which is a shame.
- paul_haakonsen
- Aug 21, 2010
- Permalink
Picking up directly where we last left off in that cliffhanger ending in Part 2 after an opening credits montage to quickly jog our memory, we see how Tien gets systematically broken down by the many minions of his nemesis Lord Rajasena (Sarunyoo Wongkrachang). Here's where I think the Thai audience have the last laugh with their recent censor ratings. Ong Bak 3 is rating an 18+ there, and over here, we got by with an NC16. Not so bad I thought to myself, until the first 5 minutes saw a number of badly executed butchering of the film, that I balked. We should have gone M18 to be in line, and perhaps those torture scenes would have survived the censors scissors. But no thanks to the distributors who decided to try and make this film appeal to a larger Jaa audience. Surprisingly though the more violent moments later on in the film were left untouched, scenes that I felt were violent enough with the likes of a decapitation, and face/head stomp to warrant an axe under the NC16 rating. But I guess I'm not a censor.
Anyway, action fans may feel a little bit disappointed with this installment which ran just over 90 minutes. For the first hour we only have limited battle sequences involving our hero, so savour whatever you can in his fight for survival against hordes of weapon wielding enemies who have the unfair advantage of strength in numbers against a badly beaten (just came off those numerous fights from Ong Bak 2) Tien. Totally broken and just as he's about to be executed, Tien gets saved by the bell and brought back to the village of Kana Khone, where another fight ensues involving his new rescuers against Rajasena's assassins.
Then it's a good plod onto the hour mark, where Tien goes through a reincarnation of sorts, involving body wraps, mystical chants, Master Bua (Nirut Sirichanya) turning to monkhood and imparting pearls of wisdom, the rehabilitation of body, mind and soul, time for romance with Pim (Primorata Dejudom) his pillar of strength, discussions of karmic philosophy and the circle of life. Tien has to unlearn what he has learnt, and basically has to snap all the bones of his body back in place before he can practice martial arts again, which brings us a bearded Jaa and a training montage in a tree, under water, showing off a lean though scarred body, and is that a little paunch I see as well?
So while Tien takes a breather of sorts for his transformation, the duty of keeping the action junkies entertained fell on Dan Chupong's shoulders, as his very short supporting role as the Crow Ghost got expanded here, with his motivation fully revealed. His character soars to evil heights here, taking over the mantle as chief villain, and allowing Chupong to reintroduce himself as an action star to be reckoned with in his own right. Those who have seen Born to Fight and Dynamite Warrior will know what he is capable of, and I really salute him for daring to take on a negative role just to spar with Jaa on screen.
But what a letdown when they finally get together to do battle. Overall I found their sparring quite weak compared to what had been done earlier in the film involving other exponents, and the finishing blow was quite a letdown. Already the number of fights and spars here were limited to begin with, one even involving the architecture of the mind (sorry, Inception still fresh), and this one just didn't pack enough oomph. It's built up to be something like Tien being a Moses to lead his people, captive by the Crow to be slaves getting constantly whipped, back to their promised land, and hey, he even comes with a staff that got dropped off after a magical moment got executed, in time for fisticuffs.
The only positive coming out from this new Tien, is his new fighting ability. Tien is now more graceful, thanks to the fusion of dance to his moves, and the many moments when this parallel that dance brings to the table, got heavy emphasis, meshing what we usually think of as effeminate, to giving that suppleness to the more masculine moves involving elbows and knees to bone-crunching effect. This to-the-point moves were not forgotten of course, and come in the form of very economical, sometimes comical, but always simple, strikes involving forearms and a rigid body trained to be as hard as steel. I still miss those drunken fists moves from the earlier film, and the insanely choreographed finale battles then, which this one had tried to emulate, only to be a pale shadow of its former's glory.
Comedian Petchtai Wongkamiao provided some comic relief in a film that took itself quite seriously, and I think in light of some of the themes that were handled in quite a verbose manner, this was much appreciated. Ong Bak 3 straddles martial arts and philosophy very openly and tried to strike a fair balance between the two, but alas it came off as quite a schizophrenic film very much like True Legend in spirit. I hope the Ong Bak 2 and 3 episodes don't tank Tony Jaa's career, because I'm sure he has enough in reserve to wow audiences once again, should the right story come along that pushes his physical boundaries.
Anyway, action fans may feel a little bit disappointed with this installment which ran just over 90 minutes. For the first hour we only have limited battle sequences involving our hero, so savour whatever you can in his fight for survival against hordes of weapon wielding enemies who have the unfair advantage of strength in numbers against a badly beaten (just came off those numerous fights from Ong Bak 2) Tien. Totally broken and just as he's about to be executed, Tien gets saved by the bell and brought back to the village of Kana Khone, where another fight ensues involving his new rescuers against Rajasena's assassins.
Then it's a good plod onto the hour mark, where Tien goes through a reincarnation of sorts, involving body wraps, mystical chants, Master Bua (Nirut Sirichanya) turning to monkhood and imparting pearls of wisdom, the rehabilitation of body, mind and soul, time for romance with Pim (Primorata Dejudom) his pillar of strength, discussions of karmic philosophy and the circle of life. Tien has to unlearn what he has learnt, and basically has to snap all the bones of his body back in place before he can practice martial arts again, which brings us a bearded Jaa and a training montage in a tree, under water, showing off a lean though scarred body, and is that a little paunch I see as well?
So while Tien takes a breather of sorts for his transformation, the duty of keeping the action junkies entertained fell on Dan Chupong's shoulders, as his very short supporting role as the Crow Ghost got expanded here, with his motivation fully revealed. His character soars to evil heights here, taking over the mantle as chief villain, and allowing Chupong to reintroduce himself as an action star to be reckoned with in his own right. Those who have seen Born to Fight and Dynamite Warrior will know what he is capable of, and I really salute him for daring to take on a negative role just to spar with Jaa on screen.
But what a letdown when they finally get together to do battle. Overall I found their sparring quite weak compared to what had been done earlier in the film involving other exponents, and the finishing blow was quite a letdown. Already the number of fights and spars here were limited to begin with, one even involving the architecture of the mind (sorry, Inception still fresh), and this one just didn't pack enough oomph. It's built up to be something like Tien being a Moses to lead his people, captive by the Crow to be slaves getting constantly whipped, back to their promised land, and hey, he even comes with a staff that got dropped off after a magical moment got executed, in time for fisticuffs.
The only positive coming out from this new Tien, is his new fighting ability. Tien is now more graceful, thanks to the fusion of dance to his moves, and the many moments when this parallel that dance brings to the table, got heavy emphasis, meshing what we usually think of as effeminate, to giving that suppleness to the more masculine moves involving elbows and knees to bone-crunching effect. This to-the-point moves were not forgotten of course, and come in the form of very economical, sometimes comical, but always simple, strikes involving forearms and a rigid body trained to be as hard as steel. I still miss those drunken fists moves from the earlier film, and the insanely choreographed finale battles then, which this one had tried to emulate, only to be a pale shadow of its former's glory.
Comedian Petchtai Wongkamiao provided some comic relief in a film that took itself quite seriously, and I think in light of some of the themes that were handled in quite a verbose manner, this was much appreciated. Ong Bak 3 straddles martial arts and philosophy very openly and tried to strike a fair balance between the two, but alas it came off as quite a schizophrenic film very much like True Legend in spirit. I hope the Ong Bak 2 and 3 episodes don't tank Tony Jaa's career, because I'm sure he has enough in reserve to wow audiences once again, should the right story come along that pushes his physical boundaries.
- Jul 21, 2010
- Permalink
Viewers seem to absolutely hate this third film in the series. It certainly isn't great, but I didn't think it was terrible, and if you sat through the second one, which ends on a cliffhanger, you'll definitely want to see this one. The story is incoherent, but so was the second one. Jaa, having been captured, is tortured to near death. He's saved in some confusing way. The big problem with this one is that there's a long section in the middle where Jaa's being healed and then trained. The martial arts sequences are entirely absent for much of the film, and obviously that's the only reason anyone showed up. Thankfully, when they do re-enter the movie, they're awesome enough where it almost makes up for the boring parts. Honestly, one can be perfectly happy sticking with the first Ong-Bak and The Protector. The plots of those two films amounted to "Hey, the bad guys stole something from me, now I'm going to go get it (while kicking the ass of everyone who gets in my way), whether or not my pants are on fire." Ong-Bak 2 & 3, which Jaa directed, wrote and choreographed (he's most successful in the latter aspect), have a mytho-historic epic plot line that is as confusing as it is unnecessary.
Pretty much everything I have to say is already out there in different reviews, but I'm going to say it anyway. The acting is bad, the dialogue atrocious and the storyline confusing. This I wouldn't care for, if they hadn't spent so much bloody time on it. I expected to see Tony Jaa kick ass, but as many of you pointed out, there's almost none of that as well. Especially the final fight is very disappointing and if you've watched the previous Tony Jaa movies you know all his moves by now. While I appreciate the effort to make a "real" film instead of an action flick, it was done horribly as the cinematics are awful: numerous completely pointless close-ups and weak special effects make it look like a college project at times. Special mention goes to the Comic relief character; never have worse humorous attempts been put to film.
- user-876-703104
- Jan 8, 2011
- Permalink
The cursed Lord Rajasena orders his warriors to beat up on and break the bones of Tien (Tony Jaa). When Tien is ready to be decapitated, a messenger from King Ayothaya arrives bringing a pardon and Tien is released and transported almost dead to Kana Khone village. Master Bua heals Tien and teaches meditation to help him to resolve the issues of his Karma. While Tien recovers, the evil Bhuti Sangkha defeats Rajasena's soldiers and beheads the king to take his power and treasure. Bhuti self-proclaims king, initiating a kingdom of cruelties. When Tien returns to Kana Khone, he finds the village destroyed and the villagers abducted. Now Tien has to fight against a powerful enemy to release his friends and stop the kingdom of fear of Bhuti Sangkha.
"Ong Bak 3" is a boring, messy and unnecessary sequel of "Ong Bak 2". The plot is confused, brutal and more dramatic but shallow, disappointing fans of the action of the previous two films. The slow- paced story presents fights too long and excessively violent and it is really time to stop this franchise. My vote is three.
Title (Brazil): "Ong Bak 3"
"Ong Bak 3" is a boring, messy and unnecessary sequel of "Ong Bak 2". The plot is confused, brutal and more dramatic but shallow, disappointing fans of the action of the previous two films. The slow- paced story presents fights too long and excessively violent and it is really time to stop this franchise. My vote is three.
Title (Brazil): "Ong Bak 3"
- claudio_carvalho
- Mar 22, 2011
- Permalink
With this third installment in the "Ong Bak" franchise, Tony Jaa has finally given closure and clarity to "Ong Bak 2", an in-name only sequel to the original and much superior first chapter. That sequel, which was in fact a prequel set in 15th century Thailand compared to its contemporary predecessor, saw Tony Jaa as the orphaned son Tien of a noble family whose parents were killed by the power-hungry Lord Rajasena. Brought up by a group of warriors, Tien grows up to become a fearsome fighting machine himself- which is really an excuse for Tony Jaa to show off his bone-crunching moves.
"Ong Bak 2" ended on a cliffhanger, with Tien overwhelmed by the sheer number of Rajasena?s soldiers and taken away to be tortured to death. Then came the enigmatic voice-over suggesting that Tien may find a way to cheat death once again and the final shot of him standing in front of a scarred Golden Buddha statue. Picking right up after the events of "Ong Bak 2", this installment begins with an unpleasant sequence where Tien is beaten and brutalized in ways apparently too disconcerting even for an NC16 rating (yes, it's cut). His bones completely broken, Tien is saved from execution by a palace order- though it?s not explained why- and subsequently nursed to health by a group of villagers.
There he begins a journey of meditation- one of both physical and spiritual healing- that draws heavily on Buddhist teachings of forgiveness versus revenge, aided by his mentor Phra Bua (played by veteran Thai actor Nirut Sirijanya) and his childhood sweetheart Pim (played by Primrata Det-Udom). Meanwhile, Rajasena is haunted by a curse set upon him by the Crow Demon (Dan Chupong), the mysterious agile fighter whom Tien had fought with briefly in "Ong Bak 2", who wants the throne for himself. His body covered with tattoos, the Crow Demon soon uses his supernatural powers to enslave the villagers, setting the stage for an epic confrontation with Tien.
True enough, like "Ong Bak 2", audiences will be treated to a no-holds-barred vicious climax with plenty of jaw-breaking, head-cracking and knee-crunching action. Like its predecessor too, Tony Jaa will go up against dozens of enemy warriors in the midst of an elephant herd. And once again, like its predecessor, you can be sure that you'll be left in awe at Tony Jaa's physical agility and martial arts prowess- which was the very reason his name was mentioned among the greats Jet Li and Jackie Chan when "Ong Bak" was first released.
Here, Tony Jaa also showcases the 'nattayuth' fighting technique, a combination of traditional khon dancing with mixed martial arts, as his character Tien goes up against the Crow Demon. That showdown is simply poetry in motion- Jaa's 'nattayuth' moves equally graceful and brutal- made even more impressive when one starts to see the parallel between that and the dancing movements Tien had earlier learnt from Pim.
But credit must also go to his co-star Dan Chupong, who proves his mettle as Jaa?s equal in not just the climax but in almost every fight sequence that he appears in. In fact, while Tien is off meditating, Dan Chupong gets to steal the show in a thrilling fight against Rajasena's men as his Crow Demon character goes about smashing their skulls through thick brick walls. (There is certainly a real-life parallel to be drawn here, as Tony Jaa's decision to join the monkhood in May shortly after this film was released can only mean that Dan Chupong may steal his thunder as Thailand's most famous action star.) Of course, there is a good reason for Tien's (or Tony Jaa's) departure, for "Ong Bak 3" tries- though rather clumsily- to be a film about the redemptive potential of forgiveness. Whereas Jaa's Tien was driven by revenge in "Ong Bak 2", here he is driven by something different, something less destructive and ultimately liberating.
In the hands of more experienced directors, this noble ambition might have translated better to the big screen- but co-directors Tony Jaa and Jaa's mentor Panna Pittikrai (who are also action choreographers and action directors in the film) are unfortunately out of their league here. And that is where "Ong Bak 3" falters, not just for taking itself too seriously, but for doing so too maladroitly. Indeed, it's especially telling when one of the best things about the film is the levity that Phettai Wongkumlao's village idiot Mhen brings, especially during Tien's fight when he first emerges from his self-imposed solitude.
Much has been said about the production troubles surrounding "Ong Bak 2" and "Ong Bak 3"- Tony Jaa disappearing from the set for two whole months during filming for "Ong Bak 2"; subsequent studio pressure leading to the rushed production of "Ong Bak 2" and the decision to make this film "Ong Bak 3" partly to complete the story and partly to recoup costs. For all its travails, "Ong Bak 3" isn't the unnecessary three-quel it may seem, bringing a befitting conclusion to the story that Tony Jaa began in "Ong Bak 2" and left off so abruptly. At the very least, it's an excuse to watch Tony Jaa fight on screen again and probably for the last time in a long while. That alone is worth the price of admission.
"Ong Bak 2" ended on a cliffhanger, with Tien overwhelmed by the sheer number of Rajasena?s soldiers and taken away to be tortured to death. Then came the enigmatic voice-over suggesting that Tien may find a way to cheat death once again and the final shot of him standing in front of a scarred Golden Buddha statue. Picking right up after the events of "Ong Bak 2", this installment begins with an unpleasant sequence where Tien is beaten and brutalized in ways apparently too disconcerting even for an NC16 rating (yes, it's cut). His bones completely broken, Tien is saved from execution by a palace order- though it?s not explained why- and subsequently nursed to health by a group of villagers.
There he begins a journey of meditation- one of both physical and spiritual healing- that draws heavily on Buddhist teachings of forgiveness versus revenge, aided by his mentor Phra Bua (played by veteran Thai actor Nirut Sirijanya) and his childhood sweetheart Pim (played by Primrata Det-Udom). Meanwhile, Rajasena is haunted by a curse set upon him by the Crow Demon (Dan Chupong), the mysterious agile fighter whom Tien had fought with briefly in "Ong Bak 2", who wants the throne for himself. His body covered with tattoos, the Crow Demon soon uses his supernatural powers to enslave the villagers, setting the stage for an epic confrontation with Tien.
True enough, like "Ong Bak 2", audiences will be treated to a no-holds-barred vicious climax with plenty of jaw-breaking, head-cracking and knee-crunching action. Like its predecessor too, Tony Jaa will go up against dozens of enemy warriors in the midst of an elephant herd. And once again, like its predecessor, you can be sure that you'll be left in awe at Tony Jaa's physical agility and martial arts prowess- which was the very reason his name was mentioned among the greats Jet Li and Jackie Chan when "Ong Bak" was first released.
Here, Tony Jaa also showcases the 'nattayuth' fighting technique, a combination of traditional khon dancing with mixed martial arts, as his character Tien goes up against the Crow Demon. That showdown is simply poetry in motion- Jaa's 'nattayuth' moves equally graceful and brutal- made even more impressive when one starts to see the parallel between that and the dancing movements Tien had earlier learnt from Pim.
But credit must also go to his co-star Dan Chupong, who proves his mettle as Jaa?s equal in not just the climax but in almost every fight sequence that he appears in. In fact, while Tien is off meditating, Dan Chupong gets to steal the show in a thrilling fight against Rajasena's men as his Crow Demon character goes about smashing their skulls through thick brick walls. (There is certainly a real-life parallel to be drawn here, as Tony Jaa's decision to join the monkhood in May shortly after this film was released can only mean that Dan Chupong may steal his thunder as Thailand's most famous action star.) Of course, there is a good reason for Tien's (or Tony Jaa's) departure, for "Ong Bak 3" tries- though rather clumsily- to be a film about the redemptive potential of forgiveness. Whereas Jaa's Tien was driven by revenge in "Ong Bak 2", here he is driven by something different, something less destructive and ultimately liberating.
In the hands of more experienced directors, this noble ambition might have translated better to the big screen- but co-directors Tony Jaa and Jaa's mentor Panna Pittikrai (who are also action choreographers and action directors in the film) are unfortunately out of their league here. And that is where "Ong Bak 3" falters, not just for taking itself too seriously, but for doing so too maladroitly. Indeed, it's especially telling when one of the best things about the film is the levity that Phettai Wongkumlao's village idiot Mhen brings, especially during Tien's fight when he first emerges from his self-imposed solitude.
Much has been said about the production troubles surrounding "Ong Bak 2" and "Ong Bak 3"- Tony Jaa disappearing from the set for two whole months during filming for "Ong Bak 2"; subsequent studio pressure leading to the rushed production of "Ong Bak 2" and the decision to make this film "Ong Bak 3" partly to complete the story and partly to recoup costs. For all its travails, "Ong Bak 3" isn't the unnecessary three-quel it may seem, bringing a befitting conclusion to the story that Tony Jaa began in "Ong Bak 2" and left off so abruptly. At the very least, it's an excuse to watch Tony Jaa fight on screen again and probably for the last time in a long while. That alone is worth the price of admission.
- moviexclusive
- Jul 20, 2010
- Permalink
I like Tony Jaa. I like most of his films. This one though was very bad. A waste of 130mins of my time. story was awful. not enough fight scenes which is the main reason for watching such films. the end fight scene was disappointing.
ong bak came out 7 years ago that and his other films were great. so sad because Tony Jaa isn't getting any younger and he wont be able to do these moves forever. To become a star in the US and Europe he needs to up his game on the usual knees and elbow moves and elephants while not making awful films like this. tick tock.
A long wait for this film and I am very disappointed.
ong bak came out 7 years ago that and his other films were great. so sad because Tony Jaa isn't getting any younger and he wont be able to do these moves forever. To become a star in the US and Europe he needs to up his game on the usual knees and elbow moves and elephants while not making awful films like this. tick tock.
A long wait for this film and I am very disappointed.
- mrman247365
- Sep 9, 2010
- Permalink
Tony Jaa is an incredible athletic specimen, and his last three films – "Ong Bak" (2003), "Tom Yum Goong" (2005), and "Ong Bak 2" (2008) – were fantastic exhibitions of buttkicking. Considering the production hell that "Ong Bak 2" endured, it seemed like Jaa could do no wrong. But then something unexpected happened. He pulled a Dave Chapelle on us and stuck a big middle finger at his fans. Instead of sucking it up like a man and simply enduring the last few years on his contract, Jaa chose the crybaby route and ran like a child into the woods. I was still looking forward to "Ong Bak 3" (2010) despite the horrible online buzz it has been getting, because deep down inside I was hoping that Jaa would give us one last exhibition of glory before taking a (hopefully) temporary vacation for the next few years. Unfortunately, he left us a fluff piece that's merely watchable.
This picks up immediately after "Ong Bak 2" ends, with Jaa being captured, tortured and beaten. Much of the first hour is dedicated to his rescue and recovery, which might get on the bad side of action junkies but this part of the film is actually decent despite a weak storyline (pretty environments and good scoring do help to hold one's interest). The script basically sucks, and is actually a downgrade from "Ong Bak 2" (which at least had a number of cool characters and scenarios). I seriously question the whole "king curse" element that was introduced in this film. I guess it could have worked in theory, but the execution leaves much to be desired.
Of course, no one watches Jaa's films for award-winning scriptwriting, which means that the fighting represents the one major element that simply must work in order to earn entertainment value. One thing the viewer will notice in "Ong Bak 3" is that the degree of difficulty of the martial arts choreography is not nearly as high as Jaa's previous works. There's quite literally not one awe-inspiring exchange in the entire film, and it's obvious that Jaa was sleepwalking through this because his presence feels superfluous. It's no exaggeration to say that any B-grade Thai action star (e.g., Mike B., etc.) could have been inserted into the lead role and the film would have lost very little. The choreography itself is too simplistic to be memorable, and for the first time ever I felt like Jaa's take downs got repetitive after a while.
Now that's not to say that the fighting completely stinks. "Mediocre" for Tony Jaa is "good" for everyone else, which means that the action in "Ong Bak 3" is engaging enough to be moderately entertaining. One big blunder though was having Dan Chupong carry the load as the lead antagonist. It irritates me that people are talking this guy up like he's gonna be the next big thing when in reality he's only slightly above average in his athleticism and skill. "Dynamite Warrior" (2006) was terrible and "Born To Fight" (2004) was entertaining more for its other half dozen protagonists and unintentional hilarity than Chupong's physical skills. His punches and kicks look incredibly flimsy and weak when captured in wide camera angles and he doesn't have much in terms of diverse moves. If you want to rely on someone while Jaa is gone, check out Indonesian action star Iko Uwais – who recently gave us the impressive feat of awesomeness known as "Merantau" (2009).
"Ong Bak 3" comes with a very reserved, marginal recommendation. In reality it's on the same level as something like "The Sanctuary" (2009) or "The Bodyguard" (2004) and comes off like a poor man's version of "Ong Bak 2." Jaa's typical critics – you know, the people with awful taste in action films – will have a field day lambasting this one while giving it a 1/10 rating. Jaa's fans will be justifiably underwhelmed, and could probably skip it entirely without missing much of anything.
This picks up immediately after "Ong Bak 2" ends, with Jaa being captured, tortured and beaten. Much of the first hour is dedicated to his rescue and recovery, which might get on the bad side of action junkies but this part of the film is actually decent despite a weak storyline (pretty environments and good scoring do help to hold one's interest). The script basically sucks, and is actually a downgrade from "Ong Bak 2" (which at least had a number of cool characters and scenarios). I seriously question the whole "king curse" element that was introduced in this film. I guess it could have worked in theory, but the execution leaves much to be desired.
Of course, no one watches Jaa's films for award-winning scriptwriting, which means that the fighting represents the one major element that simply must work in order to earn entertainment value. One thing the viewer will notice in "Ong Bak 3" is that the degree of difficulty of the martial arts choreography is not nearly as high as Jaa's previous works. There's quite literally not one awe-inspiring exchange in the entire film, and it's obvious that Jaa was sleepwalking through this because his presence feels superfluous. It's no exaggeration to say that any B-grade Thai action star (e.g., Mike B., etc.) could have been inserted into the lead role and the film would have lost very little. The choreography itself is too simplistic to be memorable, and for the first time ever I felt like Jaa's take downs got repetitive after a while.
Now that's not to say that the fighting completely stinks. "Mediocre" for Tony Jaa is "good" for everyone else, which means that the action in "Ong Bak 3" is engaging enough to be moderately entertaining. One big blunder though was having Dan Chupong carry the load as the lead antagonist. It irritates me that people are talking this guy up like he's gonna be the next big thing when in reality he's only slightly above average in his athleticism and skill. "Dynamite Warrior" (2006) was terrible and "Born To Fight" (2004) was entertaining more for its other half dozen protagonists and unintentional hilarity than Chupong's physical skills. His punches and kicks look incredibly flimsy and weak when captured in wide camera angles and he doesn't have much in terms of diverse moves. If you want to rely on someone while Jaa is gone, check out Indonesian action star Iko Uwais – who recently gave us the impressive feat of awesomeness known as "Merantau" (2009).
"Ong Bak 3" comes with a very reserved, marginal recommendation. In reality it's on the same level as something like "The Sanctuary" (2009) or "The Bodyguard" (2004) and comes off like a poor man's version of "Ong Bak 2." Jaa's typical critics – you know, the people with awful taste in action films – will have a field day lambasting this one while giving it a 1/10 rating. Jaa's fans will be justifiably underwhelmed, and could probably skip it entirely without missing much of anything.
- john_amend_all
- May 26, 2010
- Permalink
- methoduse187
- Aug 23, 2010
- Permalink
It's a martial arts film. Nothing more. Jaa is one of the best movie fighters on the business and that is what you get after seeing this movie: a fun and amazing experience from one of the best martial artists of today. If you want "something more", go on and watch "The Notebook" or something like that.
For those who doesn't think that a movie should always try to be a "masterpiece", this is their kind of movie: pure fun, full of kicks, a history of vengeance, some love, and a lot of people getting kicked on the head.
Maybe is not at the height of Ong Bak 1, but it doesn't mean that it isn't a good film to watch if you like martial arts flicks.
For those who doesn't think that a movie should always try to be a "masterpiece", this is their kind of movie: pure fun, full of kicks, a history of vengeance, some love, and a lot of people getting kicked on the head.
Maybe is not at the height of Ong Bak 1, but it doesn't mean that it isn't a good film to watch if you like martial arts flicks.
- pabloreyes1-1
- Aug 22, 2010
- Permalink
I registered onto IMDb just so I can tell you that this is the worst martial arts movie I've ever seen. I saw and enjoyed both the other movies. I had low expectations for this one, and they weren't met. In fact, the movie made me angry. The story seems to have been written by a random word generator - it involves nonsensical curses, a king who has unintentionally funny hallucinations, a crow woman who sounds like a female transformer, and things that happen that didn't really happen. I tried to understand what was going on, and I did not succeed.
There's also scenes of graphic violence and torture that is a lot more mean spirited than what we've seen in Tony Jaa's other movies. This isn't fun, and it's not like the movie has any deeper meaning or interesting characters to justify it. Do we really need to see an uninterrupted shot of a person's throat being slit open and blood spewing out? How about two?
The fight scenes? There's only one or two long ones, late in the movie, and that's when I perked up. Unfortunately, they're a disappointment. They're obviously sped up and sometimes there are wires involved. The moves Jaa does are the same ones he does in all his movies, except not as good and sometimes obviously choreographed. As expected, everyone attacks one at a time, but this time you can see them standing in the background waiting their turn. Tony Jaa's gotta make some better choices - the guys career has been going downhill after his first movie. The guy's got talent but it's being completely wasted.
There's also scenes of graphic violence and torture that is a lot more mean spirited than what we've seen in Tony Jaa's other movies. This isn't fun, and it's not like the movie has any deeper meaning or interesting characters to justify it. Do we really need to see an uninterrupted shot of a person's throat being slit open and blood spewing out? How about two?
The fight scenes? There's only one or two long ones, late in the movie, and that's when I perked up. Unfortunately, they're a disappointment. They're obviously sped up and sometimes there are wires involved. The moves Jaa does are the same ones he does in all his movies, except not as good and sometimes obviously choreographed. As expected, everyone attacks one at a time, but this time you can see them standing in the background waiting their turn. Tony Jaa's gotta make some better choices - the guys career has been going downhill after his first movie. The guy's got talent but it's being completely wasted.
Ong bak 1 & 2 was great, 3 was worse than hell. Yes, I've been to hell and back, and Hell was much better. Everything about this movie is absurd. I understand the story needed to progress and close, but Ong Bak 3 completely threw out the formula that made 1 & 2 work. I wanted to see Jaa kick some serious ass, not appear on "So you think you can dance." The costumes wreak (especially the assassins with silly baskets on their head). The dialogs are childish. The acting is extremely laughable. And the special effects overly unnecessary. I know Jaa didn't have much control over this film and I have faith his future films will be better, but for Ong Bak 3 as a whole, I say skip if you can. If you can't, close your eyes. And if you can't close your eyes, then blankly stare at the screen and imagine something else better. Imagine walking your dog on a Sunday morning may be more exciting, or taking grandma grocery shopping.
- world_of_d
- Dec 2, 2010
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- limona_razvan
- Aug 15, 2010
- Permalink
Strait sequel to Ong Bak 2, the story continues from where Tien was captured by the enemies.
What I like about Ong Bak 2 and 3 are their stunning visuals. I have never seen this type of cinematography, or action sequence in western or other Asian movies. It seems to be unique to this franchise, and I like it. Cultural cues are also interesting to watch, as I am new to Thai cinema.
I have no idea why people are complaining about the lack of action in this movie. There's just as much action in this movie as it was in the previous. As a matter of fact, the entire movie is made of one fight scene after another.
I don't catch all the story since I don't speak Thai, but this is a beautiful movie to watch. I enjoyed it purely from visual perspective. Tony Jaa was just as good in this one as he was in Ong Bak 2.
I enjoyed watching this movie for its beauty, and action.
What I like about Ong Bak 2 and 3 are their stunning visuals. I have never seen this type of cinematography, or action sequence in western or other Asian movies. It seems to be unique to this franchise, and I like it. Cultural cues are also interesting to watch, as I am new to Thai cinema.
I have no idea why people are complaining about the lack of action in this movie. There's just as much action in this movie as it was in the previous. As a matter of fact, the entire movie is made of one fight scene after another.
I don't catch all the story since I don't speak Thai, but this is a beautiful movie to watch. I enjoyed it purely from visual perspective. Tony Jaa was just as good in this one as he was in Ong Bak 2.
I enjoyed watching this movie for its beauty, and action.
There's no two ways about it: ONG BAK 3 is a mess of a film and one, I hate to say, that never should have been made. The previous entry in this historical twosome (the first ONG BAK was a low budget martial arts flick set on the streets of modern-day Bangkok) was a bit of a mixed bag of a film that I enjoyed for the most part. In comparison to this, ONG BAK: THE BEGINNING is a masterpiece of cinema. If only they'd had Jaa kill the main bad guy at the end of that film and spare us this unwanted final entry in the series, which is also, according to some, Jaa's swansong following his decision to retire from the industry and become a monk.
The film's plot is all over the place. Jaa starts the film captured, tortured and left for dead. Long stretches of over-stylised posturing follow before – surprise, surprise – Jaa is 'reborn' and comes back fresher and stronger than before to battle the enemy again. By this time, the second film's villain has been bumped off by Dan Chupong's villainous "Crow" character, who should have stayed a bird-man rather than undergoing the nonsense we see his character involved in here.
It all ends with a large-scale spectacle involving mucho weaponry, spear-play and elephants, but then silly twists are played out (one extended fight scene turns out to be purely imaginary) and the climatic one-on-one bout is a crushing disappointment. It's obvious that the filmmakers went too far in their attempts at creating a historical epic, whereas they should have stuck to the gritty, on-the-street vibe that made both the original ONG BAK and WARRIOR KING such smashing films. Sure, there are a handful of decent fight sequences in this one, all with the usual exemplary choreography, but the rest of the movie is a chore to sit through. This a film guaranteed to test the patience of even the most forgiving martial arts fan.
The film's plot is all over the place. Jaa starts the film captured, tortured and left for dead. Long stretches of over-stylised posturing follow before – surprise, surprise – Jaa is 'reborn' and comes back fresher and stronger than before to battle the enemy again. By this time, the second film's villain has been bumped off by Dan Chupong's villainous "Crow" character, who should have stayed a bird-man rather than undergoing the nonsense we see his character involved in here.
It all ends with a large-scale spectacle involving mucho weaponry, spear-play and elephants, but then silly twists are played out (one extended fight scene turns out to be purely imaginary) and the climatic one-on-one bout is a crushing disappointment. It's obvious that the filmmakers went too far in their attempts at creating a historical epic, whereas they should have stuck to the gritty, on-the-street vibe that made both the original ONG BAK and WARRIOR KING such smashing films. Sure, there are a handful of decent fight sequences in this one, all with the usual exemplary choreography, but the rest of the movie is a chore to sit through. This a film guaranteed to test the patience of even the most forgiving martial arts fan.
- Leofwine_draca
- Nov 14, 2011
- Permalink
Recently I was re-watching all of the Ong Bak trilogy and found it much better than a decade ago. Obviously part one is a milestone and true classic of martial arts movies. The 2nd installement was set in a different time and thus did not feature modern muay thai/muay boran. For part 2 I recommend, to try and get hold of the european cut, that runs about 20 minutes longer, than the theatrical version. Then we come to this here part three. Yes, it's the weakest of the trilogy, yes it cannot live up to what most of us fans hoped for. BUT, it's not half as bad, as some people want you to think. I am not Thai, so I need to watch it with subtitles, but it's still giving me joy, when I understand part of the conversation. And concerning the "lack of action" that some reviewers mentioned before me, the first part of the movie is really rather historic or telling the background, but the final twenty minutes, are outstanding. And to combine classical siamese dance moves with muay thai/muay boran is not an easy feat, the coreography is beautiful in my personal view.
Just take it for what it is and enjoy, don't try to find a deeper truth within.
Just take it for what it is and enjoy, don't try to find a deeper truth within.
- voigaswolpertinger
- May 9, 2024
- Permalink
As other reviewer explained, this has to be reviewed not as a stand alone movie, yes as a third one into a trilogy. Not better way to end the ONG BAK trilogy, Tai survived a terrible torture, he died and came to life just for one reason, complete the circle. He trained his body to recover it and above all, his mind and way of fighting. I agree that this has less action sequences as previous films, but the fighting is beautiful and as I said, the reason is to complete the circle. He must learn the dancing style and finally understand that he is the weapon, he doesn't need weapons. The movie is well done and the action is solid. I understand the deception of many reviewers, but this movie was the only way to end the trilogy. Excellent movie.
- thebogofeternalstench
- Mar 17, 2011
- Permalink
Well, sorry for my bad English (i would never write into a language i can not cope with, but this case is special). After i have seen too many negative reviews, including one coming from a jerk from my own country, i decided to push back the "kali yuga wave" (yes, it's a joke the big-headed occidental people will not understand). Let's get strait to the point, Ong Bak 3 have wonderful moments that can value the movie without all the fighting scenes. The great negative approach some people have about this movie, can only show the great prejudices and great grade of ignorance from such people. The story is well carried of, the images and photography are superb, the personages are fair and simple, and the overall is a great story. If someone likes stupid things like cars running fast, buildings blowing out in great explosions, mass murder, etc, etc; please go tho a sanatorium instead of the movie exhibition halls.
'ONG BAK 3': Three and a Half Stars (Out of Five)
Thai martial arts superstar Tony Jaa (who's been compared to the likes of Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Li) stars in this sequel to the international blockbuster 'ONG BAK 2', which actually isn't a traditional sequel to the original 'ONG BAK', seeing as that movie was set in modern day Thailand and the two sequels are set in the year 1431. This third chapter takes off right where the second part left off though and continues the adventures of Tien (Jaa). The film is directed, written and produced by Jaa and Panna Rittikrai (the team also co-directed the second film). While it doesn't live up to it's two predecessors or Jaa's other works it's still a more than decent martial arts adventure.
The film begins with a montage of the closing scenes from the second film, which ended on a cliffhanger. Tien has been captured by the evil Lord Rajasena (Sarunyu Wongkrajang) and is nearly beaten to death by his men. Just before his execution though Tien is pardoned by the king and is taken by the messenger back to his people, the villagers of Kana Khone. There he is revived, from near death, back to life and goes through a special Buddhist healing process of both his mind and body. He must then prepare to do battle with his enemies once again and a new foe with powers of deadly magic (Dan Chupong).
The story doesn't really matter as it's mostly incoherent and irrelevant. It's really just used as an excuse to string a bunch of elaborate action scenes and other spectacular visuals together. Going in to this movie I had low expectations, having had seen the mostly negative reviews it got from critics and fans alike but that was mainly due to disappointment. It's true that it doesn't live up to the other two chapters or 'THE PROTECTOR' (my favorite Tony Jaa film) but it's still better than a lot of other comparable martial arts films. Tony Jaa is an amazing martial artist and screen presence and in that way he definitely doesn't disappoint here. The fight choreography is stunning, the action scenes are spectacular (and surprisingly brutally violent) and the visuals are breathtaking. The story and character development is almost nonexistent but those things aren't really that important in a movie like this anyway. This movie is just a great action thrill ride, almost like an over long martial arts music video. I really liked the score music of the film as well as the directing (which stylistically speaking is very cool). I might have enjoyed the film quite a bit more than others because of my low expectations but I definitely had a pretty good time watching it.
Watch our review show 'MOVIE TALK' at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffxjYiwLUko
Thai martial arts superstar Tony Jaa (who's been compared to the likes of Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Li) stars in this sequel to the international blockbuster 'ONG BAK 2', which actually isn't a traditional sequel to the original 'ONG BAK', seeing as that movie was set in modern day Thailand and the two sequels are set in the year 1431. This third chapter takes off right where the second part left off though and continues the adventures of Tien (Jaa). The film is directed, written and produced by Jaa and Panna Rittikrai (the team also co-directed the second film). While it doesn't live up to it's two predecessors or Jaa's other works it's still a more than decent martial arts adventure.
The film begins with a montage of the closing scenes from the second film, which ended on a cliffhanger. Tien has been captured by the evil Lord Rajasena (Sarunyu Wongkrajang) and is nearly beaten to death by his men. Just before his execution though Tien is pardoned by the king and is taken by the messenger back to his people, the villagers of Kana Khone. There he is revived, from near death, back to life and goes through a special Buddhist healing process of both his mind and body. He must then prepare to do battle with his enemies once again and a new foe with powers of deadly magic (Dan Chupong).
The story doesn't really matter as it's mostly incoherent and irrelevant. It's really just used as an excuse to string a bunch of elaborate action scenes and other spectacular visuals together. Going in to this movie I had low expectations, having had seen the mostly negative reviews it got from critics and fans alike but that was mainly due to disappointment. It's true that it doesn't live up to the other two chapters or 'THE PROTECTOR' (my favorite Tony Jaa film) but it's still better than a lot of other comparable martial arts films. Tony Jaa is an amazing martial artist and screen presence and in that way he definitely doesn't disappoint here. The fight choreography is stunning, the action scenes are spectacular (and surprisingly brutally violent) and the visuals are breathtaking. The story and character development is almost nonexistent but those things aren't really that important in a movie like this anyway. This movie is just a great action thrill ride, almost like an over long martial arts music video. I really liked the score music of the film as well as the directing (which stylistically speaking is very cool). I might have enjoyed the film quite a bit more than others because of my low expectations but I definitely had a pretty good time watching it.
Watch our review show 'MOVIE TALK' at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffxjYiwLUko
What a disappointment the two Ong Bak "sequels" have become. In my opinion, the first one is one of the best martial arts movies of all time. Part 2 wasn't even close to being as good as the original and now Part 3 manages to travel even further down the spectrum. Tony Jaa has one fight scene in the first hour of the movie. That's right....ONE fight scene! And just like the other fights in the movie, it's really nothing special. The Crow guy from part 2 is back and actually has the best fight scene in the movie but even that is hampered by obvious wire work. The showdown between he and Jaa ranks as one of the biggest disappointments of all time. I expected way more from these two great martial artists. The entire film contains too much slow motion, not enough action, too many scenes that drag on forever, too many scenes that make no sense, and most importantly, not enough of Tony Jaa doing what he does best. I don't know what "style" he uses for the second half of the movie but to me it looks like what I see orangutans doing at the zoo. I don't know why his character abandons all the styles he learned in part 2 but then again, nothing else makes sense either. Like when after an hour of pretty much nothing, an action scene has finally happened, only it didn't because the movie rewinds itself to take it away. I wish I could do the same.
- ericthered01
- Dec 16, 2010
- Permalink
The makers take "The Crow" premise, add some crappy special effects and a next to impossible story line(...yes even after having seen part 2 of Ong Bak,)and mashes it into a big fat fail of epic martial arts portions. This from a person who watches b-grade movies, and any movie that has to do with martial arts. If Mystery Science Theater 3000 ever wanted to start over this would be first to show case.
Fights were good when in the movie, but not worth the time. The legend of Ong Bak 3 begins with Tien captured and tortured. Tien is brought back to health with the help from some Monk dude and villagers. He learns how to meditate and from there gets epic kick butt fighting skills. His talents are put to the test again when his rivals (a group of baddies who support the Emperor), and the black mysterious Crow like dude, have a final massive showdown.
Stay away unless your in Lesbians with Tony Jaa.
Fights were good when in the movie, but not worth the time. The legend of Ong Bak 3 begins with Tien captured and tortured. Tien is brought back to health with the help from some Monk dude and villagers. He learns how to meditate and from there gets epic kick butt fighting skills. His talents are put to the test again when his rivals (a group of baddies who support the Emperor), and the black mysterious Crow like dude, have a final massive showdown.
Stay away unless your in Lesbians with Tony Jaa.
- platothelapdog
- Aug 16, 2010
- Permalink