I've seen two black triangles. With 3 other people. Both were seen at the same time. Flew over us very low. Then stayed hovering in the distance for several mins so we had time to really see the details. I thought this was going to have some kind of info that would be interesting. Maybe even explain it with some actual science. What I saw is not what they show over and over. Maybe I saw an older model in 1997? I don't know. I still wonder what I saw and still look for info. This show didn't have any info that was worth paying to even rent it. I can see these videos/clips for free on YouTube. Disappointed should have known. Wasted 5 bucks and a hour of my time. I mean this Tyler dude couldn't even be bothered to film himself on a set or outside even. He's in his bedroom. Really dude. Was it during covid lockdown?! Wanted more out of this.