A somewhat interesting take on a topic many of us already knew- synthetic diamonds/lab created diamonds are awash in the market and the entire apple cart is not only upset but completely upended and in tatters. Yet, despite voluminous evidence that shows us how corrupt, sinister and unethical these members are, how destructive the industry is, and how manipulative they've been, people fall for the ridiculous marketing campaigns. Thankfully the insane tactic of trying to use gender equality as a marketing scheme to prey upon women's egos absolutely fell flat. They've largely operated on incredibly lucky marketing tactics that people bought into, like the three months salary lie.
Every player in this Greek tragedy, barring a scant few, are just slimy; they're all so completely up their own behinds so far that they're unable to see how wrapped up in their own lies and willingness to sell their souls to keep the money train coming into the station.
What's lost here is, while the DB president (or whatever he is) wants to talk about 'oh look how awesome Botswana is!!', there's still crippling poverty and it includes employees of their own company. DB is very similar to Phillip-Morris, in that, when a product came along that they were unable to squash, (synthetic diamonds/vaping) they decided to try and become a part of what they claimed was just so appalling five minutes ago.
These people are terrified for the future that inevitably awaits and it cannot come soon enough.