I've found this movie entertaining enough but I wouldn't recommend it as an 'amazing Argentine comedy', it does the job though.
The problem with this movie is that it's way too cliché-ed, almost every single scene, problem, and character is a cliché, this makes it predictable, which is OK for a silly comedy but for a 2010 movie it's getting pretty old.
Suar's acting is either regular or just weird, every scene where he's dancing in a club looks like an SNL sketch, a very silly one, too silly to be funny or may be I didn't get his humor but there are definitively some weird scenes/jokes that the movie could do without.
The movie doesn't have any kind of impact, there are no remarkable scenes and the characters are all average, I feel this movie is like 'Un novio para mi mujer' (with Adrian Suar too) but not as good.