After the professor tells the students to count the number of legs, one student exclaims that there are only six legs. When the view switches back to the bug, there are four legs on the side facing the camera, along with a fifth appendage at chest level on the same side. When the bug faces the camera, the other side mirrors with the four legs and appendage.
After hot-wiring the truck to escape the spiders, when they use the truck to escape from the bombing run, the keys are clearly visible and used to start the truck.
When we see the coffin being transported in the back of the army truck, there is no seating space along the sides. Later when everyone from the diner get off the truck, there is fixed seating.
The police car has no official license plates, just regular ones from California, although it is stated that the events take place in Arizona.
The army truck crash supposedly happens at an intersection, yet when we see the scene from the trooper's point of view, there is no road behind or ahead the truck.
Anything given as fact about the "spiders" in this movie is probably wrong.
Camel spiders are solifugids, not true spiders.
Although solifugids are fast compared to other large insects, arachnids and other invertebrates, top speed is about 10 mph or one-third as fast as a good human sprinter.
Solifugids do not spin webs.
The biggest solifugids have a leg span of about five inches. Many of the ones shown in the movie were much larger.
When entering the basement, St. Shelly comments on how no one must have been down there in a very long time. The corridor is filled with battery-powered Coleman lamps.
During the firefight with the Taliban at the beginning of the film, several of the M-4 carbines have no rear sights.