Taste and colors you should not discuss as they say and logic neither. In this current world that needs cleaner and less gory shows for kids and teens, Supah Ninja delivers. This is a great show like the "Old Batman Style" of the 60's: clean fun, funky villains, good entertainment. Nowadays, for those people are criticizing fun kids clean shows, I must say that they are not in touch with what kids/tweens even teens need: clean fun, a show that underlines loyalty, courage etc...so, great valor. Supah Ninja is that! I am French, spent more than twelve years in the USA, doing from Law to Commerce even dealing with known celebrities and I dig it...so, I hope more Americans do understand and appreciate that show which is a refreshing breath of clean fun air for our generation and even parents: no need to see gory blood, swearing, pimping action and so on. Supah Ninja is a cool American fun show so do not dismiss it because you do not either like the style of it or because of ignorance..