2 reviews
A strange man dressed in gold and red appears. Master calls for his sword. They fight a pretty good fight then a bird dagger flies out of nowhere and kills master just as our girl arrives. The Golden Bird takes the Rainbow Sword and flees in ninja smoke as the police arrive. They discuss the obvious and our girl rides off for revenge for her uncle. She is stopped by a "fisherman" who fights her but a "scholar" appears and cuts his throat with pages of a book. They go off together on a boat. The scholar proceeds to act senselessly and says you will understand later. It becomes a series of screwball characters appearing one after another. The characters are more annoying than entertaining. The voice actors are using their cartoon character voices too. There are hokey demonstrations of chi and short, sloppy fights. It's all about style and I don't like the style. Who is the Golden Bird becomes the mystery plot. At about one hour four minutes our girl fights him and it is not a good fight. The final fight is also not good and obviously sped up too. The VHS copy starts with no sound and many tracking streaks then clears up by the middle. I didn't like it at all and can't go higher than five out of ten rating for only hardcore fans of the genre.