In 2005, His senior year of high school, life started to spiral for Junior. Ezekiel Hillman II, known as Junior, has been suffering from depression since 8th grade. He has aspirations of bec... Read allIn 2005, His senior year of high school, life started to spiral for Junior. Ezekiel Hillman II, known as Junior, has been suffering from depression since 8th grade. He has aspirations of becoming a world renowned painter, but struggles with self doubt. Raised in a christian house... Read allIn 2005, His senior year of high school, life started to spiral for Junior. Ezekiel Hillman II, known as Junior, has been suffering from depression since 8th grade. He has aspirations of becoming a world renowned painter, but struggles with self doubt. Raised in a christian household God was always first, But his inner demons never failed to take the lead. Junior's en... Read all