- 28 Days Later Analysis [Michael Allen]
- Always Watch Good Movies [Carlos Filipe Freitas]
- Blu-ray.com [Jeffrey Kauffman]
- Blueprint: Review [Henry Tucker]
- Cine Outsider [Slarek]
- CinemaBites.es [Israel López]
- Spanish
- CINeol [Sergio Roma]
- Spanish
- Destroy the Brain! [Michael Haffner]
- Devon & Cornwall Film [Tom Leins]
- Dread Central [Brandon Tenold]
- DVD Drive-In - Blu-ray [Eric Cotenas]
- DVD Talk - Blu-ray [Ian Jane]
- DVDBeaver [Eric Cotenas]
- DVDcompare.net (Blu-ray Disc) [Anthony Arrigo]
- Fangoria
- Film School Rejects [Rob Hunter]
- FilmScope.net [Steven S]
- Filmstarts.de [Robert Cherkowski]
- German
- Flickering Myth [Tom Jolliffe]
- GBHBL.com [Games,Brains & A HeadBanging Life]
- Gorepress [Boston Haverhill]
- Horror 101 with Dr. AC [Aaron Christensen]
- Horror Movie Diary [Maynard Morrissey]
- HorrorNews.net [Sean Becktel]
- Horrorphilia [Jason Lloyd]
- HorrorTalk [Ilan Sheady]
- Mike's Film Talk (Michael Knox-Smith)
- Oh, the Horror! [Brett Gallman]
- Rock! Shock! Pop! [C. D. Workman]
- Rubbermonsterfetishism [Joachim Andersson]
- ScreenAnarchy [Peter Martin]
- ScreenAnarchy [Swarez]
- Sound On Sight (Bill Thompson)
- Sound on Sight [Bill Thompson]
- TerrorWeekend.com [Josep M. Luzán]
- Spanish
- The Daily Rotation [Sean Canfield]
- The Movie Scene [Andy Webb]
- Twitch [Peter Martin]
- Twitch Film
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