The show spends far too much time on creating dramatic situations and far too little time giving the viewers information about the trades. Through each show, the people doing the work experience some kind of setback (analysis of which takes up too much of the show), and they say things like "well, that's annoying". And the narrator comes in and dramatically says "he certainly did not need that. This is exactly the kind of thing that can cause him to miss the deadline in this show". Knowing that tires can go flat is not something you watch tv to learn. The show should focus more on the work the people do and less on the inconveniences of the job.
Also, in general, each show contains very little information. Staying on the trash show, I feel like I know just as much about trash as I did before watching the show. It's remarkable how much garbage there is, but the show didn't go into any detail about what happens to it in a landfill.
It's a great idea for a show, and it has potential, but it's poorly executed.
Despite this, I do recommend watching a few episodes. I've watched a handful, and I will try to watch the remainder of the season.