Essentially a "hey we're jokey-joke joke-meisters hyuck hyuck" version of Mediawatch (also on ABC) which is a more serious and well-established program exposing poor journalistic practices across the media spectrum. I'd rather watch a prickly serious journo get on their high horse than watch someone try to squeeze a comedy lemon from the same horse. Or any animal for that matter.
Unfortunately Question Everything falls short on the humour... which is supposed to be the only thing separating it from the other show it is replicating.
You get the sense that no one finds Wil Anderson as funny as Wil Anderson (how could you not love his tired jokey-joke know-it-all aren't-I-clever brand) and unfortunately Jan Fran's efforts to be funny are similar and just... tenuous. No bueno. Some guest appearances are a fleeting saving grace but it's not enough to justify regular viewing. The trailers say it all... trailers contain the funniest bits of the show to suck you in. Suck is the word. Mamma mia I feel sick. OR DO I? AY?
Clearly Wil Anderson is having some success convincing the same suckers at the ABC he has a great new (but not really new) idea for a show (when the last one looking very similar has literally just been cancelled! Hah! What??). Isn't Wil clever... OR IS HE?
Write down a bunch of ideas ABC... put them in a hat... then take out the 10 pieces that say Wil Anderson, then pick one... and make that show. Stand up to Wil Anderson I say. Be strong. Just say no.
Time to call time on Wil Anderson give someone new (and funny and not Jan Fran) a crack. I say adieu. To yieu and yieu and yieu.