Good and innovative documentary on Brazilian military dictatroship and its torture. I read some reviews saying that they did not like the format of the film; well, on reverse, I did like it a lot. It is kind of an impressionistic film, which simulates internet navigation and search in order to move from a story to another. There is an emphasis on current reactionary public support for those dire state criminals, which was reinforced by the election for president of Bolsonaro, a former member of Parliament who praised the most notorious torturer, Carlos Ustra, while voting for the coup against Dilma Rousseff in 2016. Indeed, the documentary connects in various creative ways 1964 coup, dictatorship propaganda (I had never watched so many propaganda films assembled) and other events prior to re-democratization such as false news on the death of left-wing activists during shooting while they would actually be eventually murdered through torture in DOI-CODI, with 2016 coup and contemporary on-line fake news or demonstrations in favor of a new coup. The testimonies by repression agents do the Commission of Truth are also contrasted to the testimonies by their victims. The movie also addresses the role of the United States in supporting military coup and authoritarian regime in Brazil. Not only devious sadism but also the cowardice of agents of repression from military dictatorship is truly unbearable.