Again, the first several seconds of video are always fantastic, each episode has featured really great opening shots. But then... forests that look like they're from the old Ewok movies. The makeup and costumes are horrific. The aliens are comical.
Dialogue is atrocious. Acting is overwhelmingly flat, to the point where you wonder if the actors knew the show would be this bad and are just phoning it in.
The writing is what really sets this series apart in terms of it being bad. The characters will say something to the effect of "I like X" and then 5 seconds later say "I must destroy X". It just makes no sense. And it happens in this show ALL. THE. TIME. Also things happen that defy logic, like where a character would have to be in two places at once for what's on screen to take place. The final draft must have been written in crayon.
They got a lot of the screen wipes and musical interludes right. The music is better than in Ep3.
Ugh, what a waste of time.