This series was really eclectic where some of the episodes were action packed and some felt like a teleplay.
The dramatizations had decent actors (perhaps far too attractive in many of the cases - definitely intentional), really informative cases with excellent experts and the tech breakdown of how things played out online was matter of fact and void of scandalous tabloid tidbits. The series stuck to the facts.
I watched 3/4 of the series on TUBI in one day because the eps were only 18 mins and breezed by like nothing.
The downfall was the short running time and wrapping up the shows very fast but the good music and quality of the cinematography make up for the music video speed of the show.
Although it deserves an 8.0 rating, I'm giving it a 10 rating because it's a very different approach to the true crime format and paid a lot of homage to the victims and justice.
Many of these people will be forgotten, this series really did a great job in humanizing the victims and celebrating their lives. Most true crime delves into darkness and many of the victims are blamed or shamed.