An insular, agoraphobic boy named Wataru Kurenai begins his battle against the Fangire as Kamen Rider Kiva, a battle with connections to a conflict from 22 years in the past.
Wataru is approached by a lawyer who forces accusations against his father, forcing him to find one good thing Otoya did in the past to resolve matters.
Wataru continues to try and find something good to defend Otoya's legacy as he starts looking up to a Fangire Hunter who he sees as a better role model.
As a bizarre Fangire attacks both in the present and past, both Otoya and Wataru must save their female targets before he is able to make them his bride.
Megumi attempts to force Wataru's attraction away from Nago to prevent him from being manipulated; while Otoya tries to solve the mystery of the attacked cafe victims despite someone familiar being behind them.
Wataru gains the assistance of a violin maker in trying to create an instrument that fits who he is; while Yuri and Otoya try to decipher the curse of a violin and a monster attacking those who possess it.
Wataru discovers rock music when he's asked to help a musician with his band; while Yuri tries to position herself to become the first Ixa in order to take revenge on the Fangire.